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Hello! Today it’s  time for the post of the series that is extremely popular among you  -  summary of the month in pictures. Please, forgive me lack of Polish characters -  I’m travelling right now but even though I decided to add a new post J   (perhaps I will write a  separate post about my journey, what do you think ? J), I suffer because of lack of my computer and  Polish characters (but I didn’t give up and as you can see I didn’t forget about you J) . Will you forgive me these little impediments  in today’s post )  ? ;) To apologise you, I prepared - a lot of pictures. Enjoy! Witajcie! Dzisiaj post z serii, ktora cieszy sie naprawde  duzym zainteresowaniem – podsumowanie miesiaca w zdjeciach. Wybaczcie, prosze,...

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