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Coco Chanel Essentials

If you read my blog, probably you noticed  quotes of  Coco Chanel or references to her main principle "less is more". It’s true, I love drawing inspiration from various fashion trends, and a lot of things inspire me, but my roots are strongly embedded in the style created by divine Gabrielle Chanel (It’s her real name). I recently re-watched a movie about life of Chanel and it inspired me to take a closer look to the key elements of Coco’s style. The  current offer of  fashion house Chanel for me is a bit more flashy, too, "seasonal" but of course in new collections we can see the spirit of old  Chanel (jackets, tweed, quilted chain shoulder bags), but I remain faithful to what suits me - the elegant minimalism;)   Jeśli czytasz mój...

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