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Ultra Simple tricks how to contour the face with Trystal Minerals by Vita Liberata

It is widely known that facial contouring works better than a plastic surgery - a few moves of your brush is able to create a "new" nose or optically make you slimmer. There are many techniques: wet contouring the face, dry contouring, strobing, baking or tontouring, But let us be frank about it - they are quite time- consuming and may cause mask effect. But I admit that gentle contouring is something without what my makeup wouldn’t be complete. I usually use only one product - frosting bronzer. Perfect for that is a mineral bronzer Minerals Trystal  by Vita Liberata. Nie od dziś wiadomo, że konturowanie twarzy działa lepiej niż operacja plastyczna – kilka ruchów pędzlem jest w stanie zafundować...

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