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Little White Dress – Ivon

Little white dress – it’s always in the shadow of its more popular older sister - Little Black Dress. It’s a great alternative to cocktail dresses and it’s perfect solution especially for warm and sunny months. Mała biała – zawsze w cieniu swojej popularnej  starszej siostry –Małej Czarnej.  A to świetna alternatywa dla koktajlowej sukienki. Świetnie sprawdza się zwłaszcza  w cieplejsze i słoneczne miesiące. In my wardrobe, there are more little white dresses than classic black dresses. But I have the impression that white dress is often underestimated by women. It’s a pity, in my opinion, because white dress is perfect for summer and works much better during summer parties, meetings with friends , walks or even to work....

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