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Long lasting tan in 10 minutes! Vita Liberata, Ten Minute Tan

Just as winter surprises drivers every year, as high temperatures surprise me every year. Or rather my pale legs and shoulders that are not ready to be exposed. Then, in panic I reach for self tanning products. And since I’ve known Vita Liberata brand, I always choose something from their offer. I have already written about products by Vita Liberata in THIS and THIS, and THIS posts. This year, they have something great in their offer – you only need 10 minutes to get great tan! Tak jak zima zaskakuje co roku drogowców, tak wysokie temperatury zaskakują co roku mnie. A raczej moje blade nogi i ramiona, które nie są gotowe, aby je odsłaniać. Zawsze wtedy w panice sięgam po produkty...

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