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5 reasons why it’s not worth worrying about the future

During  recent workshop at my work I was asked about my fears. When I started to think about it, I realized that I worry about the future the most.  My thoughts revolve around it and I mostly focus my activities on this topic. Why is not worth focusing on the past, I wrote you HERE and HERE. Not only focusing on the past, but also thinking too much about the future is very destructive. Just like visualizing your goals, visualizing your worries lead you to what you imagine. Of course, setting future goals requires a look into the future and anticipation, and you need to take up a challenge and take a risk ( it causes worries ), but when...

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Past, present, future…

Today, I found my forgotten photos on my computer disk that I took at the beginning of last fall, but there was no time to share them with you. I thought that I keep moving forward, I do something new all the time so what’s the point of hoary old chestnut? I’ve even recently written text on my blog to live here and now. Odgrzebałam dzisiaj na dysku zapomniane zdjęcia, które wykonałam jeszcze na początku minionej jesieni i nie było czasu żeby się nimi z Wami podzielić. Tak sobie wtedy pomyślałam o tym, że idę cały czas do przodu, tworze ciągle coś nowego i czy w ogóle jest sens „odgrzewać jakieś stare kotlety”? Przecież nawet sama niedawno pisałam tekst o tym,...

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Everything You Need To Know About Makeup Brushes

Despite the fact that almost each woman does make-up every day, not all of them know makeup tricks, hacks, novelties. Besides, we cannot fool ourselves- the world of makeup has a lot of secrets, and it takes time to learn them. In addition,  popular makeup trends and makeup techniques change like in a kaleidoscope. Until recently, makeup brush was a novelty but today it is displaced by ...

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Bielenda, Rose Care

Do you know women who don’t like flowers? Or women who don’t like the queen of flowers - rose? Even if you like different flower more, it’s difficult to deny that rose is popular, beautiful and has  fantastic caring properties. I love rose water, hydrolats, rose oil, and  I like when rose is a perfume ingredient. So I couldn’t ignore this rose line by one of my favorite Polish cosmetic brands-Bielenda. Rose is used in cosmetics mainly for sensitive and aging skin. Znacie kobiety, które nie lubią kwiatów? A tym bardziej – królowej – róży? Nawet jeśli któraś z Was bardziej upodobała sobie inny kwiat, to róży należy przyznać nie tylko popularność i piękno, ale także fantastyczne właściwości pielęgnacyjne. Uwielbiam wodę...

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Be.Loved – „take the day off”. OCM (OilCleansing Method)

Hey! I'm sure that you have already heard about OCM method. Oil cleansing method (OCM) is a system for facial cleaning using a blend of natural oils. The method is based on the chemical concept - “like dissolves like”. It means oil (in this case  mix of oils) dissolves oil ( our sebum). OCM method has recently got many fans (partly thanks to a great book "Korean Beauty Secrets ") because it is  a natural and effective, and in addition it has skin nourishing properties. Of course, there are many admirers of this method but there are also many opponents of it. Most often this is due to the lack of adequate knowledge how to use OCM method and wrong...

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6 tips how to feel and look amazing when you feel far from it

No matter if you had sleepless night because you were reading an interesting book, or you caught a flu or you drank too much and girls' night out ended up costing you a hangover, or maybe you politely went to bed after bedtime story, but there are such mornings when you just feel terrible and you would be perfect hopeless queen.  I don’t know why, but such mornings happen to me when I  want to look great. But I have my ways to look great, even when my reflection in the mirror screams that I should stay under my blanket and eat ice creams and watch my favorite TV series. If you also have such days then trust my tips –...

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How to pamper yourself on Women’s Day

As a hedonist I love celebrating and I believe that any occasion is good to celebrate. Undoubtedly, such day is Women's Day. This day is probably known to all Poles. Many of them think that it is a typical Polish festival, derived from our country and celebrated only in Poland. Nothing could be further from the truth! Women's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world and it has its origins in 1910. It can be assumed that Matronalia celebrated in ancient Rome was archetype for Women’s Day. It was a public holiday celebrated on the first week of March. The date of the festival was associated with the beginning of the year, motherhood and fertility. On the occasion...

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Natural make up with Felicea

Lubcie naturalne kosmetyki do makijażu? Jeśli tak, to dziś mam coś co na pewno Wam się spodoba –tutorial bardzo prostego makijażu wykonanego kosmetykami polskiej marki, Felicea, która stawia na naturę. Wszystkie produkty marki Felicea są bezglutenowe, dodatkowo kosmetyki prasowane są wegańskie. W chwili obecnej marka posiada w portfolio 52 produkty wytworzone z naturalnych składników oraz mineralnych pigmentów, bez parabenów.  Już kiedyś pokazywałam Wam makijaż wykonany tymi kosmetykami. Możesz go zobaczyć TUTAJ. Niedawno marka obchodziła swoje urodzin, i także z tej okazji przygotowała kilka nowości kosmetycznych. Ja najbardziej ucieszyłam się widząc, że firma rozszerzyła ofertę o  kosmetyki w formie prasowanej. Jeśli chodzi o wygląd, konsystencję, pigmentację, to niczym nie różnią się od tradycyjnych „drogeryjnych” kosmetyków. Jednak ich skład, a co za...

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