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Catch the moment. Look and soak up.

 Every day I try to find even a little while to relax. Not only physically; I mean "cleaning" my mind of negative thoughts, just cherish a moment. Without phone in my hand, without nose stuck to  a computer screen. Just breathe, change something in myself, look into the eyes of my loved ones. Na co dzień staram się znaleźć choć małą chwilę, aby odpocząć. Nie tylko fizycznie; mam na myśli „czyszczenie” głowy ze złych myśli, po prostu celebrowanie chwili. Bez telefonu w ręce, bez nosa wlepionego w monitor komputera. Odetchnąć, zmienić coś w sobie, spojrzeć w oczy bliskich. Water calms me down the most. It's sound and  uniform motion. When I sit on a seashore,  I no longer receive external stimuli such as noise, conversations or...

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Figurativeness. Uncovered shoulders

Off-the-shoulder blouses, dresses, sweaters is a trend which survived last summer. Autumn and winter was full of off-the-shoulder sweaters and dresses and apparently they will appear this spring as well. Anyway, bare shoulders are nothing new in fashion, this type of cuts have already appeared in the eighteenth century. Bluzki, sukienki, swetry z odkrytymi ramionami to  trend, który przetrwał ubiegłe lato, widoczny  był jesienią i zimą na swetrach i sukienkach opuszczanych na ramiona i najwyraźniej tej wiosny także z nami pozostanie.  Zresztą, odkryte ramiona nie są niczym nowym w modzie, tego typu fasony pojawiały się już w XVIII wieku. sukienka odsłaniająca ramiona / dress TU koszula jeansowa/ jeans shirt Wrangler (z szafy narzeczonego;)) TU czapka/ cap KAMEA trampki/ sneakers Converse TU torebka/bag Michael Kors TU naszyjnik...

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New eye color with color contact lenses

If I had a good eyesight,  probably I wouldn’t have used color contact lenses. However, I wear contact lenses almost every day so I decided to give a way to temptation and see myself with a different eye color. At first, I’ve tried contact lenses that gently change my eye colour. The truth is that, this type of contact lenses rather deepen your natural eyes color than actually change it. There are many different types of contact lenses in the market, so I decided to tell you more about colored contact lenses and show you how the Ciba Vision Fresh Look Dimensions contact lenses in the Carribean Aqua colour look like.  Available in  HERE. Gdyby nie spora wada wzroku, pewnie nigdy nie sięgnęłabym...

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12 tips how to make your cheap clothes look expensive and luxury

It’s easy to spend all your salary in an expensive boutique, and enjoy a luxurious look. To be honest, I have never paid attention to the labels of my clothes. The most important was the final effect of the whole makeover. Therefore, I don’t persuade you to spend all your money and additionally take a loan to buy a pair of shoes. There are several reasonable ways to look like a million dollars without spending a million;) Here are 12 of my reliable tricks how to look luxurious by using cheaper counterparts and mass products. Sometimes it is enough to get some shopping and styling skills. What is worth remembering? Zostawić całą wypłatę w drogim butiku i cieszyć się luksusowym wyglądem...

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Pantone 2016 – Wellness with The Serenity Colour

When Pantone, corporation ,which identifies colors, dismissed Marsala and announced color of the year 2016 I was speechless with shock: What a beautiful pastels colors! This year, Pantone, for the first time, chose two dominant colors: pink quartz and enigmatic - serenity. While the “pink quartz” color is quite tangible and easy to define, the color of "blissful peace" or "serenity" is a little bit more difficult to define. For me it's “baby blue” color.  Anyway - beautiful! Kiedy Pantone, korporacja zajmująca się identyfikacją kolorów, zwolniło z panowania marsalę i ogłosiło swój werdykt kolorystyczny na rok 2016 oniemiałam z wrażenia: coż za piękne pastele! W tym roku Pantone, po raz pierwszy, wybrało 2 dominujące barwy: pink quartz i enigmatyczny –...

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Trend alert: shine bright like a diamond

When in fashion everything is possible I don’t know if we can even talk about "trends" nowadays. Today , almost everything is fashionable, even trends, which are theoretically contradictory. Wide leg trousers have conquered the catwalks , but skinny jeans are still fashionable. Colors of the season are delicate pastels: pink and blue, but on the other hand, outfits in darker, more saturated colors ,which look like taken out from your grandmother’s wardrobe or total black look are also fashionable. One of the strongest trends on the catwalks of  for example: Balmain, Esteban Cortazar or even Isabel Marant (who likes boho style) is  shine on. Nie wiem czy w obecnych czasach, kiedy w modzie wszystkie chwyty są dozwolone możemy w ogóle...

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Serenity, snorkel blue, navy blue or …just blue

If you like shades of blue, then fashion trends are simply created for you this year. We can see blue color everywhere: from Blue Serenity which was announced one of the colors of this year by Pantone Color Institute  (I’ve  prepared a separate post about it ), by frequently appearing shades of saturated blue in 2016 collections and finally, dark and  dull, almost black blue colors. Blue colors were in elegant and classical versions on the runaways,  but for sure also will look good in sports stylings or in a very popular this season retro style: Granny chic or geek chic. sukienka/ dress Atelier Edith płaszcz/ coat BE by Bison Eveline kozaki/overknee boots Monashe torebka/bag Paulina Schaedel kolczyki/ earrings YouBiżu Jeśli lubisz odcienie niebieskiego, to...

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Simple steps to develop personal style

What you wear says a lot about your personality. We are all unique, beautiful, and inspiring individuals, and clothes you wear reflect your personality. I think that discovering your own, one-of-a-kind personal style is essential to feel comfortable and confident in clothes you wear. To improve your fashion side woman should be in line with her personal style. So today I want to show you how,in my opinion ,you can discover your own style! If you follow these few steps below, you'll see how easily you can create your own beautiful and fashionable style. Co nosisz wiele mówi o twojej osobowości. Wszystkie jesteśmy wyjątkowymi, pięknymi, i inspirującymi jednostkami, a cząstki naszej osobowości odbijają się w ubraniach jakie zdecydujemy się ubrać. Myślę, że...

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Super Casual – my way of wearing casual dress

When some time ago, I’ve published my post with a very casual outfit I didn’t expect it will  meet with your approval. Moreover, this particular set was even one of the best weekly outfits on Stylowa Polka website.  Once again confirms the principle: Simple is the Best;) Your comments encouraged me to show you my another super casual set. Dress from my today's post has already been on my blog  but in the role of ...

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Be yourself

This season it's good to wear pastels, wide leg trousers, be fit and enjoy intensive cardio workout with Ewa Chodakowska; besides political correctness requires to enjoy and welcome illegal immigrants with open arms, and in a grocery store you should only buy gluten-free products. Popular porridge had been on my table before it began to celebrate its triumph in the world and in media, so it’s easy for me "to be trendy" in this case. However, if "life" requires to respect some rules "because it behoves" - I definitely say "no." I know it would be much easier to have my blog on Blogspot domain, and presenting clothes from best clothing shops would get me more page views and more...

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