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Why New Year’s resolutions fail? (and how to succed)

Welcome to 2016. A new year beautifully symbolizes a new chapter opening in the book that is your life. But while so many people like you aspire to achieve ambitious goals, only around 10% of you will ever experience the taste of victory. Sounds bad? Keep on reading to learn why New Year’s resolutions fail (and how to succeed). Witajcie w 2016 roku. Nowy rok pięknie symbolizuje rozpoczęcie kolejnego rozdziału w księdze jaką jest nasze życie. Podczas gdy tak wiele osób, podobnie jak Ty, zamierza osiągnąć ambitne cele w nowym roku, tylko 12 % z nas doświadczy smaku zwycięstwa. Brzmi kiepsko? Zapraszam Was do dalszej lektury z której dowiecie się dlaczego noworoczne postanowienia nie zostają spełnione (oraz jak osiągnąć sukces w...

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Carnival dress form

The carnival period is coming  - fun, madness and dancing till dawn! Cinderella needs a perfect pair of shoes to conquer the world, but don’t forget about the fact that her dress was conjured up by a  fairy. If  you don’t have a unique dress in your wardrobe, which is perfect for a special occasion then I have prepared for you a little overview of cocktail dresses. At first a few dresses that are great for those of you who like sexy and feminine solutions - fitted styling with a  lace or shimmering sequins CLICK Przed nami okres karnawału – zabawa, szaleństwo i tańce do rana! Kopciuszek, aby podbić świat potrzebował idealnej pary butów, ale nie zapominajmy o tym, że jego sukienkę...

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Do something different!

One day a friend of mine asked her mother: "Mom, why do you always trim both sides of ham, while cooking?  ?” Surprised mother shrugged and said: "Well .. actually, I don’t know, my grandmother always used to do it." When they had a chance women asked elder lady why for generations in their homes they trim both sides of meat, while cooking? Does it make meat more juicy, crispy? Or maybe it adds more flavor to the dish? The eldest woman just smiled and said: "Well, when me and your grandfather got married, we didn’t have a large roasting tin and  the meat didn’t fit in ...

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In motion – how avoid stagnation in life

Today's pictures are crying to heaven for vengeance – everything is flying: my hair, skirt (but did you notice how  beautiful it  looks ?;)), my  coat. While taking pictures, I couldn’t stand in one place even for a moment, because wind was blowing my  dress up, or all (literally!) my hair was flying across my face. Sometimes I took after Chewbacca;). On the one hand – it was a disaster, continuous motion, lack of stabilization, but on the other hand – stay in one place ..and last at the same point? It is possible that pictures in such situation would be better, clearer;) But saying that more "globally" such standstill, stagnation is bringing judgment on yourself. Do you know why?...

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Świąteczne pierniki – „Akcja Celebruj Chwile”

Na świątecznym stole w moim domu nie może zabraknąć dwóch potraw: czerwonego barszczu z uszkami oraz pierników. Bez tych dwóch smakołyków nie potrafię wyobrazić sobie świąt.  Co roku piekę razem z mamą stertę pierników. Ten czas mieszania, zagniatania, to fantastyczna okazja do nadrobienia babskich plotek. Z kolei moment dekorowania pierników to idealne ćwiczenie manualne oraz test naszej kreatywności i cierpliwości;). Jak tam Wasza kreatywność i cierpliwość ? :) In my house at the Christmas table there can’t be missing two dishes: borscht with ravioli and gingerbreads. I can’t imagine Christmas without these two delicacies. Together with my mom I make a stack of gingerbreads every year. This time of mixing, kneading is a fantastic opportunity for women's gossip. Next the moment...

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6 Style Tips On How To Wear Blanket Scarves

Scarves and blanket scarves started to show up in the shops in early autumn. Blanket scarf is simply a giant version of a scarf ,which is so big that can be used as a blanket. They’re warm, cosy, comfortable and wonderful, and it’s one of my favourite trends of the fall and winter season this year. I already have several of them, and I love using them as shawls, makeshift ponchos and capes, and yes, even a blankets. But despite how versatile they are, blanket scarves can be a real style challenge. How  should  you wear so much fabric ? and how to wrap blanket scarf around your neck? If you are looking for some ideas on how to wear the...

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Ultra Simple tricks how to contour the face with Trystal Minerals by Vita Liberata

It is widely known that facial contouring works better than a plastic surgery - a few moves of your brush is able to create a "new" nose or optically make you slimmer. There are many techniques: wet contouring the face, dry contouring, strobing, baking or tontouring, But let us be frank about it - they are quite time- consuming and may cause mask effect. But I admit that gentle contouring is something without what my makeup wouldn’t be complete. I usually use only one product - frosting bronzer. Perfect for that is a mineral bronzer Minerals Trystal  by Vita Liberata. Nie od dziś wiadomo, że konturowanie twarzy działa lepiej niż operacja plastyczna – kilka ruchów pędzlem jest w stanie zafundować...

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3 tips how to wear flared skirt

It’s nothing new. Flared skirts are known since around  the 50’s. For many years, they were returning like a boomerang but  in many different ways - below-knee length at Dior ,rock 'n roll skirt with tulle lining or leather skirt or studded skirt  fit perfectly in the rock or gothic style. They are made from different fabrics - elegant satin, tweed and wool, leather or popular neoprene.   Żadna nowość. Spódnice z koła znamy już co najmniej od lat 50-tych. Przez wiele lat powracały jak bumerang w różnym wydaniu – u Diora przykrywające kolana, rockandrollowe z tiulową podszewką lub skórzane czy  nabijane ćwiekami świetnie wpisujące się w styl rockowy czy gotycki. Szyte z różnych materiałów – od eleganckiej satyny, przez tweed i wełnę, po skórę czy popularny neopren. They can be combined with...

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