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Little white dress

It’s much less popular than a little black dress. But is it less interesting? Not for me. A little white dress - next to a little black and red dress, is a choice that it is always good for me. In summer, we were almost flooded by lacy, idyllic, embroidered white dresses. I showed  you dress like this in THIS POST. Recently ,little white dress displaces more popular sister and it even conquersred carpets. Do we have to forget about little white dress in autumn ? Not necessarily. All you have to do is just wear it in a slightly different way, add autumnal accessories and voila - a little white dress can be worn throughout the year:) Znacznie mnie popularna od małej czarnej. Czy mniej interesująca? Nie dla mnie....

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Sweater weather

One of the reasons  why I like autumn is the fact that I can  wear warm sweaters. I think it's one of the most malleable  clothes. As far  as dresses are usually quite specific and they impose us a particular style of accessories that fit to them,  sweaters have infinite possibilities which depend on what we combine them with. Sweater in my today's makeover I have already worn in several ways, and I think I still can create some more outfits with it. Jednym z powodów dla których lubię jesień jest możliwość noszenia ciepłych swetrów. Uważam, że to jedne z najbardziej plastycznych ubrań. O ile sukienki są zazwyczaj dość mocno określone i narzucają nam konkretny styl dodatków, które do nich pasują, o tyle swetry dają nieskończone możliwości, w...

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La vie en rose

Am  I  going to tell you the recipe for a bed of roses in my today’s post? Unfortunately I have to disappoint you;) Of course I know some psychological tricks that make life easier, but today I’m going to focus on flowers. Czy w dzisiejszym poście zdradzę Wam przepis na życie usłane różami? Niestety, muszę Was rozczarować;) Na pewno znam kilka psychologicznych sztuczek, które ułatwiają życie, ale dziś skupię się na kwiatach. Is there anyone who doesn’t like flowers? I can’t decide what type of flowers I like the most, because so many of them are incredible. Lilies seduce me with their scent, hydrangeas and peonies with their delicateness, orchids are noble and perfect, sunflowers are so optimistic, lilies of the valley and daisies are innocent .Gerard de Nerval ( who...

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Fashion (and not only) lives and breathes a change

Recently on my blog you could see eye-catching paisley pattern and today you can seeintense orange colour. Has anything changed ?! ;) Karl Lagerfeld believes that "fashion lives and breathes a change," and I think that there is something about it. Over the last decade  (or even two;)) I definitely didn’t revolutionize my wardrobe and I still like things that I liked few years ago. But I like these small changes which allow me to evolve and find myself again. In psychology, change is needed to develop yourself. Without change there is no development. Heraclitus, an ancient thinker, defined change as a one of the elementary laws governing the nature.   Niedawno na blogu był przykuwający wzrok wzóry paisley, dzisiaj intensywny oranż. Czy coś się zmieniło?! ;) Karl Lagerfeld uważa, że „moda...

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 In August, when I was familiarizing myself  with upcoming trends and I was searching for autumn inspirations, I got crazy about ponchos. To such an extent that I made a  few:). Soon I'll show you the final result of my work on warm, knit ponchos. Już  w sierpniu, kiedy zapoznawałam się z nadchodzącymi trendami i wyszukiwałam inspiracji na sezon jesienny oszalałam na punkcie poncz. Do tego stopnia, że sama kilka uszyłam :). Niedługo pokażę Wam finalne efekty pracy nad ciepłymi, dzianinowymi ponczami. Kilka lat temu ponczo czy peleryna wydawały mi się czymś niepraktycznym, a nawet brzydkim. Najwyraźniej, do niektórych ubrań czy trendów trzeba dorosnąć. Dzisiaj w mojej szafie wisi kilka egzemplarzy ciepłych, otulających okryć tego typu. I ciągle mi mało;) Few years ago, poncho or cape seemed to me very impractical or even ugly....

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How to wear paisley pattern?

Paisley is a pattern from Persia or India. It is wrongly called Turkish. In the most minimalistic version it presents characteristic teardrop shape  and  in more decorative version this pattern looks very impressive,  it is very ornamental and ornate. Characteristic teardrops are printed on the  fabric. It’s hard to say what exactly  this pattern shows – some people say that it’s a  mango fruit, others that a stone. In Poland, sometimes it is called "kidney". This motif has been interpreted in many various ways :  twisted teardrop shape, or form known as almond shape. Sometimes it is called "Persian pickles" or "Welsh pears". In the Baltic states in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries people thought that paisley shawls can protect them against demons. Now paisley pattern can be  seen...

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Evree – obudź prawdziwe piękno!

Piękna skóra to wizytówka każdej kobiety. Niestety, stres , hormony, często nieprawidłowa dieta, brak snu, promieniowanie słoneczne sprawiają, że musimy sięgnąć po odpowiednie kosmetyki, aby zachować młody i promienny wygląd skóry. Z pomocą przychodzi nam nowa linia kremów marki Evree. Beautiful skin is a showcase of every woman. Unfortunately, stress, hormones, often unhealthy diet, lack of sleep, UV radiation make that we have to reach for appropriate cosmetics to keep young and radiant look of our skin . New cream line by Evree will help us.   Na linię kremów do twarzy Evree składają się: Essential – nawilżający krem do twarzy (20+) Magic rose – upiększający krem do twarzy (30+) Revita Perilla – liftingujący krem do twarzy (40+) Gold Argan - przeciwzmarszczkowy krem do twarzy (50+) Face cream line by Evree includes: Essential - Moisturizing Cream (20+) Magic rose - Beautifying Cream...

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Beige dress

 The very thought of beige makes a lot of people feel sick, others say that this is the most boring colour in the world the best for mouseburgers and some people’s eyes begin to shine with excitement. I belong to the third group;) .As for me, beige connotes sensuality  maybe because it evokes the colour of bare skin ..? Wiele osób na myśl o kolorze beżowym dostaje mdłości, inne wzdrygają się , że to najnudniejszy kolor zarezerwowany dla szarych myszek, niektórym oczy zaczynają błyszczeć z podniecenia. Ja należę do tej trzeciej grupy;) Beż kojarzy mi się ze zmysłowością, być może dlatego, że przywodzi na myśl kolor nagiej skóry..? I’m extremely pleased that in many  autumn – winter fashion shows a total beige look was promoted. For sure it isn’t a discovery,...

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Sporty chic: how to wear sports clothes in elegant way

Sporty elegance is probably the most versatile and the safest style .It looks good in the office during the day and in the campus, or even on a weekend trip. In THIS post I showed you how to make ordinary set of jeans, white t-shirt and jacket looks more elegant and stylish. Sometimes, however, the situation requires more sporty outfit, e.g. when we will have all-day marathon or go shopping;) ( or when you want to look good in a short time :)). We can wear comfortable trainers and track suit, but this combination we should better leave for a lazy day at home or jogging, but not necessarily when you want to run around town doing errands. Today I decided to show you more "easy going" sporty elegance.   Sportowa elegancja...

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It's true that it’s the end of bikini season, but our body should be in a great shape not only during three months of summer . Besides, regular taking care of the body and silhouette will guarantee you lack of panic when you will have to wear a swimsuit or when suddenly we will find a last minute offer to go to warm countries in the middle of cold and autumnal period. You know that even the best cosmetics can't replace a balanced diet and they don't burn extra kilos, but good products and regularity of their use will definitely help us in a fight against cellulite and maintain skin firmness. Good cosmetics are not enough to get satisfactory effect. Additionally remember about regular massages with a brush, sponge or massager...

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