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Modern gypsy

I have been fascinated by bohemian style in fashion for a long time . I think it’s because of the fashion show of  Emilio Pucci S / S 2015. I couldn’t take my eyes off his designs. At night I dreamed about light maxi dresses combined with suede bags, tassels and jeans, long blowing hair. He inspired me. Usually I choose rather minimalistic, classic combinations ( it’s easy to notice on my blog) which don’t fit into bohemian style. But what I love about fashion is that I can play with it, choose what suits you and adapts it to our own style. Od dłuższego czasu fascynuje mnie w modzie nawiązanie do klimatów bohemy, dzieci kwiatów. Myślę, że wszystko za sprawą pokazu Emilio Pucci S/S 2015. Nie mogłam oderwać wzroku od jego projektów. Po nocach śniły...

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Trench coat – timeless sure thing

There are  fashion matches which I wear non-stop for many years and even that fashion is changing, my style is evolving all the time, these combinations are still up-to-date . One of these combinations is mix of trench coat and neutral base, presented today. This is my sure thing, when I don’t know what to wear and when I don’t have time to stand in front of the mirror and consider what to wear, but at the same time I want to feel comfortable and look good. I think every woman knows that trench coat should be an obligatory piece of clothing in our wardrobe .Former CEO of Burberry - Angela Ahrendts said : “Everyone in the world should have a trench coat, and there should be a trench...

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My hair care

In comments and messages from you, I‘m still getting questions about my hair care routine. I have been thinking for a  long time, whether to create such post, because my hair care is relatively simple and it doesn’t include any  secret treatments or cosmetics which are difficult to reach. On the other hand - this minimalism is good for my hair, so I thought that maybe it will be also useful for my readers. And here it is. If you are wondering how I take care of my hair – I invite you to read  the rest of this post.   W komentarzach i wiadomościach od Was dostaję ciągle pytania o to jak pielęgnuję włosy. Długo myślałam o tym, czy w ogóle stworzyć taki post, ponieważ moja pielęgnacja włosów...

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Western romance

On the list of my favourite children’s films are James Bond films and westerns (and “Dynasty” ;) ). I also moved this passion for cowboys into my games. I loved to play “Indians and cowboys”. Due to the fact that my companion in games was usually an older brother and his male-friends, I often had the role of Indian girl called “ bare feet”. But it wasn’t so bad. In spite of appearances it was the key role because world can’t exist without women even if it is Indians and cowboys world ;). Hmm.. I’m wondering if my brother and his friends were conscious of importance of my role ;) . Moje ulubione dziecięce filmy to te o Jamesie Bondzie i Westerny (oraz serial  Dynastia ;)). Zamiłowanie do cowbojów przenosiłam także do swoich...

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Insta mix – April

Today you can see  some pictures from last month. Enjoy! Attention, please! - in one of my next posts there will be something for what many of my reader are waiting for - post about my hair care routine:) Dzisiaj porcja zdjęć z ostatniego miesiąca. Miłego oglądania:) Uwaga - w jednym z następnych postów pojawi się coś na co czeka wiele z moich czytelników – post dotyczący pielęgnacji włosów :) 1.   For me coffee in an elegant cup is  always more tasty  than in a mug. How about you? 2. I’m a big gourmand  but besides that, I try to eat healthy. 3.This month I started to swim regularly! Who will join me?   4. Make up foundation and loose powder of Mary Kay – my new revelation . Soon I will present  you the...

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White trousers are my spring/summer must-have for several years. Currently I have three pairs of them. Each pair has a different leg style - super skinny, cigarette and straight-leg. It doesn’t matter what kind of shirt, sweater or jacket I take out from my wardrobe - each will be fitting in with a pair of white trousers. The fact is that it’s difficult to keep them clean, but the fresh and fantastic look that they give, when I wear them for example with nude high-heels and blouse or jacket, recompenses me that inconvenience. Białe spodnie to mój wiosenno-letni must have od dobrych kilkunastu lat. Obecnie mam trzy pary o różnych fasonach – super skinny, cygaretki przed kostkę i takie z prostą nogawką. Nieważne jaką bluzkę, sweter, marynarkę wyciągnę z szafy – każda...

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Like a lady

Headwear has never been my strong point . During the year, the number of days when I wear caps are few and far between. In cold weather I usually wear a hood. Hat is the last resort for me. No, not because hat can destroy my haircut ( yeah …ok  partly because of that ;) ) but mainly I prefer hood because in my opinion  it’s more comfortable. For several seasons I noticed that all kinds of caps and hats:  bowlers, fedoras, hats with a big brim ...

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Beige coat & black colour in Hamburg

For several days now , the place of honour in my wardrobe has fresh made jumpsuits and dress, which are waiting for sunny days. I wish I could  already present you them, but the past days didn’t allow for it – well … patience is a virtue ;) but I think that I will catch up over the weekend, because the weather is going to be pretty favourable for a typical spring makeover. Is it finally the time when I can say Bye, Bye Winter ( don’t hurry back ! ) , Hello SPRING!!! ( I love you ! ) Od kilku dni na honorowym miejscu w mojej szafie wiszą świeżo uszyte kombinezon oraz sukienka, które czekają na słoneczne dni. Bardzo chciałabym Wam już je zaprezentować, ale minione nie pozwalały...

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Baby blue and light grey

A few days ago, quite spontaneously, when the weather was sunny (however extremely windy – which had an influence on my haircut) I photographed for you a quite simple set in my favourite colours recently- baby blue in combination with white and light shades of grey. Pastel colours are making a strong come back into fashion in spring / summer trends. Generally, any pastel, milky colours- shades of pink, mint, blue and yellow are the most suitable for a person with summer type of beauty. But according to me, pastel colours always adding beauty – they soften facial features of mature women and emphasize the youthful freshness of young girls. Thanks to their gentleness, pastel colours are associated with femininity -...

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