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Hello! Today it’s  time for the post of the series that is extremely popular among you  -  summary of the month in pictures. Please, forgive me lack of Polish characters -  I’m travelling right now but even though I decided to add a new post J   (perhaps I will write a  separate post about my journey, what do you think ? J), I suffer because of lack of my computer and  Polish characters (but I didn’t give up and as you can see I didn’t forget about you J) . Will you forgive me these little impediments  in today’s post )  ? ;) To apologise you, I prepared - a lot of pictures. Enjoy! Witajcie! Dzisiaj post z serii, ktora cieszy sie naprawde  duzym zainteresowaniem – podsumowanie miesiaca w zdjeciach. Wybaczcie, prosze,...

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Denim on denim

My wardrobe is dominated by skinny leg trousers except for one pair of my boyfriend jeans. These trousers that you see today are the exception because they have flare leg. This fall, fashion scene is dominated by the‘70s and thereby bell bottoms trousers. For several seasons trousers with wide leg are shyly trying to get back on track again, but skinny jeans are still the leader  in this race. Experience and observation of myself and other women taught me that to avoid distortion of our silhouette and to look good in bell bottoms trousers, you should remember about two rules:  1) trousers should be with high - waist and should have long trousers legs. That allows us optically lengthen our legs. 2) Wear them with high heels or wedge sandals. These 2 simple...

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Chocolate muffins

The taste of chocolate is the most desirable taste in our house. No matter whether I bake muffins, cake or fry an omelettes or pancakes - they are always with dose of cocoa or chocolate. Therefore, muffins must be intensely chocolate. There’s no other option :). These are very fluffy  and moist and necessarily -  they have a delicious rich chocolate flavour. In addition to bake these chocolate goodness you don’t need too many ingredients, and they are ready in 30 minutes. Even if you are on a diet, I think it’s a perfect occasion to forget about it for a while and try them. Believe me- they are worth a sin :).  Morning coffee and a lovely chocolate cupcake during the weekend – can there be anything better? Do you have any chocolate treats...

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All in black

Black -  a symbol of power, intelligence, elegance, but also evil, and in the west it’s a symbol of mourning. There are as many opinions as there are men so some people think of this colour as sad and depressing. Others say that black colour is perfect for every situation. I definitely share latter view. I think this is the most elegant colour. It’s my favourite. Few years ago, when I was blonde (yes, I was blonde. I know you are surprised, but to surprise you more I will reveal you my secret -  blonde is my natural hair colour) black colour accompanied me very often. However,  since I changed my hair colour, I don’t like myself in black. I have an impression that black colour brings out the chestnut / copper...

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3 great eye care cosmetics

Reportedly, the skin around eyes, just after hand and neck skin, reveals the true age of  woman. They also say that eyes are the window to the soul, which is why, it’s good to enjoy the youthful look as long as possible. Unfortunately, skin around eyes is devoid of sebaceous glands, has a little amount of collagen and elastin, and it’s ten times thinner than anywhere else on your face. This makes it much more susceptible to damage and ageing. Luckily nature saved me from dark circles under my eyes, but it gave me a thin and dry skin around eyes, so I can’t imagine my day without a thick layer of moisturizer. In winter, my skin became a bit drier and less elastic. Suddenly my everyday eye creams were not sufficient....

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Pencil skirt

Despite the fact that spring is coming slowly and timidly settle down ( for me it’s still too slowly so if you know any spell to speed up the spring please let me know J ) ,it’s not reflected in the photos. Even when the weather favours, the photos are still grey, dark, blurred, or it’s just started raining. (I promise that as soon as the weather will be better you will see much better photos ). Today's photos are terrible but I really wanted to show you my new pencil skirt made of eco leather in a beautiful plum colour. I had the dress code at work so similar sets were my daily outfits some time ago. Currently, I can  parade in sneakers, jeans and a sweatshirt, but still it’s easier for me when...

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Burgundy jacket

Another makeover without dress - suspicious? Not at all. It’s all because of the rainy weather (even though personally rain doesn’t deter me from wearing dresses). I might never have decided  to show you that not really sophisticated set, but for the jacket which I designed in autumn. The same jacket but in grey colour I showed you on the occasion of this (click) and this (click) makeover. In this burgundy jacket I  decided to use golden zips instead of silver zips. I think they are more suitable for that colour. This small detail gives a different look to the jacket. Well ...

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Diorskin Forever + Diorskin Nude Concealer = The perfect duo

There are some cosmetics on which I never spend more than 20 PLN. This group contains for example: lip glosses, lipsticks, eyeliners and eyebrow pencils. Totally different situation is with face foundations. Luxury packaging of lipsticks and cute eye pencils don’t tempt me as much as the glass bottles with fluid which always hypnotize me. It’s definitely my weakness. Although I know several “hot item” among the foundations at a low prices, there is always one luxury cosmetic on my dressing table. One of my favourite is the foundation Diorskin Forever. Są kosmetyki na które nie wydaję więcej niż 20zł. Do tej grupy  zaliczają się np. błyszczyki, pomadki do ust czy kredki do oczu i brwi. Rzecz ma się inaczej z podkładami. O ile luksusowe opakowania szminek czy piękne ołówki do oczu  nie kuszą...

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Insta mix – February

1. W lutym często podróżowałam i wiele mojej pracy oraz wpisów na bloga powstało właśnie w aucie;) 2. Błękitna koszula to jeden z moich „pewniaków” kiedy nie wiem w co się ubrać. Sprawdza się zawsze i wszędzie. 3. Herbata – obowiązkowo kilka filiżanek każdego dnia!  4.Botki które mogłabym nosić do wszystkiego! Uwielbiam! 5. Zwykle mój makijaż zajmuje mi nie wiecej niż 8 minut. Tym razem zdecydowałam się na bardziej pracochłonne smoky eyes. 6. Śnieżny krajobraz. 7. Nowości od 8. Selfie przed wyjściem – zncie lepszy sposób...

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Totally nude winter look

Fluffy, snowy carpet on the road. Trees and shrubs covered with white duvet. On the windshields are sophisticated and mysterious lacy patterns painted by well - known artist - frost. Beautifully! Of course, only if I can admire this snowy land  through the window, while I’m  sitting in front of the fireplace ,covered with soft blanket, and drinking hot cocoa or mulled wine. Then it’s sooo perfect. For me, winter could last only for a few days during the Christmas holidays and for a few days during the ski trip. It would be more than enough:). It would be a pure pleasure to spend the rest of the time in spring aura . Mmmmm I’m lost in daydreaming now … ;) Unfortunately, even that I don’t like winter it comes every year ( what...

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