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What can you use instead of foundaton? Vita Liberata Illuminaze Highly Active Complexion Veil

Recently ,I really like illuminating cosmetics and I often use them. Because I’ve nearly finished my favorite brightening cream by Resibo, I thought that the novelty of Vita Liberata would be its worthy successor. I value Vita Liberata products for great care properties and also for- a very natural effect of tanned skin. I was very surprised by this cosmetic, because although in my opinion it doesn't illuminate the skin completely, I think it’s one of the greatest discoveries of this year. If you are curious why I love llluminaze, then I invite you to read rest of the post. Bardzo polubiłam się z rozświetlającymi kosmetykami i często po nie sięgałam. Ponieważ wykańczam mój ulubiony ostatnio, mocno rozświetlający krem na dzień...

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PHYTO – moc roślin dla Twoich włosów

Znacie takie kultowe kosmetyki, które istnieją od lat, często są starsze od nas samych, i używały ich nie tylko nasze mamy, ale też i dziadkowie? Co prawda, zmieniają się trendy, potrzeby i ikony piękna, ale z drugiej strony, czy kiedykolwiek mocne, zdrowe i błyszczące włosy nie byłyby w cenie (bez względu na to jaką dany sezon kreował modę?). Zresztą, jeśli jakiś kosmetyk jest na tyle dobry, że od lat nie został wyparty, to znaczy, że warto po niego sięgnąć :) Po ostatnich bardzo dobrych wrażeniach z naturalnymi kosmetykami do włosów (pisałam o tym TU) poszukiwałam czegoś jeszcze. Tak wpadłam na kosmetyki francuskiej marki PHYTO, których dwa produkty zostały stworzone już w 1968 i 1969 roku. Niesamowite, prawda? Jeśli jesteście ciekawi czy...

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NKD SKN – odrobina słońca w środku zimy

  I feel nostalgic when I look at my holidays pictures and I see sunset on the beach and my golden skin. If I cannot go for vacation in hot countries in the middle of winter, then at least I try to restore my skin holiday glow. I always reach for self-tanning and bronzing products. I have recently tried some new cosmetics- organic self-tanner in mousse. I was intrigued by its natural composition and the promise that the product was deprived of an unpleasant smell. If you are curious about the effects of this self-tanner - I invite you to read rest of the post. Z rozmarzeniem oglądam moje wspomnienia z wakacji i wzdycham do zachodów słońca na plaży i złocistej rozgrzanej...

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Błyszczące włosy z Octowymi kosmetykami Barwa

Pamiętam, że kiedy spędzałam czas u babci, ta radziła mi, abym po umyciu włosów płukała je w wodzie z dodatkiem octu. Przyznaję - blask włosów po takim zabiegu był niesamowity. Jednak jestem tak leniwa, że bieganie do kuchni bo butelkę octu i przygotowywanie roztworu po prostu przerasta mnie;) W czerwcu miną już dwa lata odkąd nie farbuję włosów i pomimo, że są w super kondycji, to niestety - blask jaki daje farba (nawet na zniszczonych włosach) nijak ma się do naturalnych włosów, które zwykle mają mniej pigmentu i wyglądają na bardziej matowe. Kiedy w moje ręce wpadła seria octowa Barwy pomyślałam, że zaryzykuję. Kosmetyki te są inspirowane domowym zabiegiem płukania włosów naturalnych i matowych octem jabłkowym, który przywraca włosom połysk...

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Specialist skin care by Synchroline

I always say that skincare is more important to me than makeup, because colorful cosmetics look better on the healthy skin and in addition, proper care can inhibit skin aging process and it will pay off in the future. I like to reach for specialist products and dermocosmetics because their action is strong. The Synchroline brand creates dermocosmetics for those who are struggling with various skin problems, and the offer contains products for acne, capillaries, dry skin, discolorations and rosacea. I reached for products from 3 different lines: with vitamin C, anti-acne and anti-discoloration. First review is about the face cleansing gel - cosmetic without which I can’t imagine my morning and evening care. I really like the multi-stage makeup removal...

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Hania Beauty – lip scrub

Few years ago, lip scrub was unnecessary for me. Lip massage with a soft toothbrush from time to time was enough for me , but nowadays, when I often use matte lipsticks, scrub is my first-aid cosmetic. We have a lot of lip balms on the market but when it comes to lip scrubs the choice isn’t big and some of them have very high prices. For a long time I was using the Evree scrub, which I like very much and which is cheap and easily accessible, but when I found out that Hania is planning to create its own line of lip scrubs - I knew that I will leave Evree scrub;) O ile kilka lat temu peeling do...

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My February favorites (beret, Cerutti 1881, Pierre Renee Royal Matt, Big Little Lies)

Traditionally, at the beginning of a new month, I publish several of my favorites, both cosmetics and pieces of clothing, which I often chose in a given month. There will also be something cultural. Are you ready? Tradycyjnie już, z początkiem nowego miesiąca publikuje kilku moich ulubieńców, zarówno tych kosmetyczych, jak i elementy garderoby, które wyjątkowo często wybierałam danego miesiąca. Nie zabraknie też czegoś kulturalnego. Gotowi? 1. Beret Winter, unfortunately, doesn't let go, so I can't say goodbye to headgears yet. If temperatures are below zero, I reach for warm caps, but in February when it wasn't so cold, I often reached for beret. Such ordinary, often associated with "mohair" older ladies, but how cute it is! Instagam and Pinterest flood us with...

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Beautiful skin, hair and nails with Look Up diet supplement

Whenever my hair started to be too heavy or was too long, I dreamed of bob cut or at least mid length hairstyle and when in summer I finally cut it quite drastically (before cutting my hair was waist length and after cutting was mid length), I quickly missed my "storm" of hair. So I focused on nurturing it to grow back quickly . I always choose supplements based on biotin and horsetail, because they not only make hair growth faster , but also prevent hair loss. I‘ve recently reached for Look Up - Skin Hair Nails, a natural food supplement that improves condition of hair, skin and nails. Manufacturer promises that , due to the content of active ingredients...

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Dermalogica – my daily skin care

There are some cosmetic brands that tempt us and inspire trust even though we didn't try any sample. Such situation was with Dermalogica brand, which I discovered many years ago. My face skin looked like volcanic crater in the eruption phase, or like a battlefield, so I was looking for different ways to restore its smoothness. I remember that in some woman's magazine I found a note about face care of Victoria Beckham, who only uses preparations by Dermalogica brand. If even Victoria deals with acne and blackheads with help of these cosmetics, they definitely must be great. Unfortunately, Dermalogica brand was difficult to get in Poland at that time, so I gave up and fought with my complexion problems...

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Cranberry care with Nova Cosmetics

Natural care dominated my bathroom and I rarely reach for chemical compositions. I prefer to test and use cosmetics based on natural ingredients. While completing my daily care cosmetics, I came across a new brand – Nova Cosmetics. It is a Polish producer of high quality cosmetics based on natural ingredients and enriched with innovative components. I was tempted by basic products for my daily care such as : micellar liquid, face scrub and hair conditioner. I chose GoCranberry cosmetics, because I wanted to take advantage of the beneficial properties of cranberry. It works antibacterial and it cleans the skin, so it works well as treatment for contaminated skin. It can also be used in case of dry skin because it...

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