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Do you know what phrase connects women around the world? "I have nothing to wear";) You have more and more new clothes in your closet every season but you still have the same problem: what to wear? One way that helps me with this morning dilemma is to prepare  clothes night before. This method saves a lot of my time in the morning and allows me to drink my morning coffee or read a short chapter in the book. Sometimes, however, I have unexpected meeting or I have a problem with choosing clothes for the next day so to avoid leaving home in pajamas or tracksuit, I reach for my save "uniform" -  white blouse and jeans! Depending on accessories...

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The most essential is invisible to the eye – bridal lingerie

Choosing the right dress is one of the most important things for a woman who is planning a wedding. Viewing photos on the Internet, visiting local (or further) bridal showrooms, trying on hundreds of wedding dresses. It's definitely one of the most important elements in a wedding preparations. When you are planning an expedition to search the perfect wedding dress there’s one more element you should consider - wedding lingerie. One thing is certain - it shouldn’t be seen by anybody apart from your newlywed husband. For sure he will quickly take it off ..;) But keep it as your secret;) Lingerie and hosiery brands have a wide range of possibilities and a lot of ideas to meet customer expectations...

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How to effectively motivate yourself to physical activity?

Physical activity is often associated with a duty. One thing is sure - we all need motivation, whether it comes to diet or physical activity. Each of us is motivated by something else. Sport is a lot of fun for me. And that is why today I want to tell you about my motivators thanks to which I get offmy comfortable couch and move:) Aktywność fizyczna często kojarzy się z przykrym obowiązkiem. Jedno jest pewne – każdy z nas potrzebuje motywacji, czy to chodzi o motywację do trzymania diety czy o aktywność fizyczną. Każdego z nas motywuje jednak coś innego.  Osobiście sport daje mi dużo frajdy. I dlatego dzisiaj opowiem Wam o moich motywatorach do ruszenia tyłka z wygodnego fotela i...

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My favourite motivational quotes

Aphorisms, maxims, motivational quotes –  they are often indefinitely copied truisms, "sectarian" speech, but on the other hand, we hung them over a desk on cork boards or write them in planner/diary or set them as computer desktop. I followed some important quotes for many years. I  forgot about some of them but recently when I have been cleaning my old room in my parents' house I found my forgotten pin board with several maxims. I was really surprised when I discovered that these maxims are still valid and good and thanks to them I changed my way of thinking and acting. If you are looking for inspiration and a dose of positive energy - choose your favourite quotes and...

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Things worth doing in the summer

Is there any more beautiful season than summer? Of course, spring when everything wakes up, nostalgic fall and cold winter when it’s time to cuddle also have their charms;) However, summer is definitely my favourite season! Sunrays and I are like battery and charger , I forget about winter tiredness or spring fatigue and I can’t wait for a new energy. If you're a student or a teacher, summer probably has additional advantages – you have  2 or 3 months holidays! It’s up to you whether you will use potential of the summer, or if you let it go. This is why my today's post is a list of things you should do in the summer to take advantage of this...

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7 easy ways how to make more time for yourself

Many of my friends often ask me : "how do you find time for all your tasks?". The answer is simple: I have great organizational skills;). Besides, the truth is that I simply don’t do "everything". I do what is important to me , and I skip the tasks which I don’t need ,to be happy. If you have a lot of tasks to do, or you want  to do a lot then you need to learn how to plan and prioritize the work. My day can't be spontaneous because I wouldn’t be able to accommodate paid employment, my own business and frequent publishing on my blog. Believe me blogging, posting, cooperating with companies, photo processing really takes a lot...

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Bride Guide,Part I. 7 hot trends in weeding fashion via Cocomelody.

Hello my Dear readers. Welcome to my new series of posts! Several of you asked me about my wedding, preparations for this event and if I’m going to describe it on my blog. The probability that I will describe it on the blog is low ( it is possible that some "snapshots" will appear on my  Instagram;)). Instead of that I have something better for you and certainly more useful –I’m going to publish a few posts where you can find some tips that I hope will be helpful for future brides. First part is about wedding trends. For many of you wedding dress is associated with white ball-gown, but even if you want to stay with the tradition, you...

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