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5 Benefits of Going Offline for one Day (and how to unplug)

During last long weekend, I realized how good it is to take a break from computer, internet and  phone for one or two days. Simply- digital detox;) Of course, I wanted to work during those  few days off, but I decided to leave my laptop at home, and I took only iPad with me, because  I wanted to prepare some posts for the next days. But spending time with my fiancé , totally offline, outside, sipping coffee on the terrace, listening to the birds singing was a bigger pleasure  than sipping coffee and sitting with my phone or laptop. So for 5 days, I took little detox from technology;) At first it wasn’t easy, but on the second day I...

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Borrowed from the boys closet

I'm not a feminist. I've never been one. I will probably never be in the future. Why? Because I think I don’t need to fight for women's rights. And above all,  I don’t think that we, women, have less rights. Maybe now, I will have to face a barrage of criticism from feminists, but I think that women aren’t in a bad situation. Moreover, I think  we are more privileged;) On my blog I don’t deal with political or social issues, so I will not be digging further into this topic. This short entry is only to  show that while in everyday life there are two camps where is discussed who is discriminated (if  anybody is ;))/ is there a...

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How to Wear Your Favourite Graphic T-Shirt

Just like the  little black dress or a pair of Converse sneakers, the graphic tee is one of those classic trends that never goes out of style. Maybe it’s because they are available in various   cuts, sizes and styles. As with other strong trends, stylings with graphic t-shirts have  evolved over the years, and today we don’t see them only in casual outfits, but also in those more sophisticated. What is more, you can look stylish without spending much money on them. Proof? Karl Lagerfeld said: “ T-shirts for ten dollars are even more fashion today than expensive fashion”. Well, it speaks for itself :). I'm going to present you  6 great ways how to look fashionable in graphic t-shirt....

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Alert trend: heavy / light

I usually don’t pay much attention to seasonal trends – I wear similar clothes for several years, but I admit that sometimes I’m tempted to hot trends. This season, I noticed a lot of trends that have alreadybeen in fashion many years ago, and which I liked in that time. Some of my favourite fashion trends of  spring / summer 2016 are : uncovered shoulders (such styling I’ve already showed you HERE and HERE ),  metallic  (CLICK), bomber jacket or Fabric trend - combination of heavy and light material. "Opposites attract" - not only in relationships. In fashion, combining light, airy materials with heavy materials is a  trend, which I really like. I love the combination of thin, airy blouses /...

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Why It’s Okay To Fail And How To Learn From It

Nobody's perfect. When you stumble, the best thing that you can do is to pick yourself up and get back on the track. It’s normal that you make mistakes and that you have problems in achieving your goals, but it’s important to learn from your mistakes and be on the rise thanks to your failure . I learned for example that clothes from the store Romwe are nice, but quite short and I should pay more attention to the size chart. Photos from today's post are a proof . Of course, this isn’t my only failure;) I’m not going to tell you about all of  them .I’ll tell you only about one that was the most painful and which came...

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Karma. What goes around comes around

When I was a child I read fairy tales where good fights evil, and I believed that, just as in  fairy tales where good princess wins the prince, castle and the sympathy of the people, just as in life - good people will be rewarded.  Bad people shared the same or similar fate as villains from fairy tales - loneliness, ugliness or eternal suffering. So when my teenage neighbour maliciously stubbed out his cigarette on my knee, I was so embittered by his vice, that I wished him all the worst. Of course, I was hoping that he will experience terrible  tragedy similar to mine, you know,  he will smash his bike, his favourite teddy will lose an eye (I...

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5 life changes to make this spring

Spring is just around the corner, and like every year, it’s a perfect time to implement spring changes in your life. When flowers are blooming it’s also time for women to blossom. Today, I have prepared some issues that you can consider to change or improve your life this season. Trivial and obvious, but I think it’s worth reminding about such obvious things . Warning! If you apply this - success and happiness are guaranteed! ;). Will you dare? ;) Właśnie zawitała do nas wiosna, i jak co roku,  jest to idealny czas żeby wdrożyć w życie wiosenne zmiany. Kiedy kwiaty zaczynają nieśmiało rozkwitać, to także czas, abyś i Ty rozkwitła. Dzisiaj mam kilka kwestii, które możesz rozważyć, aby zmienić lub...

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Figurativeness. Uncovered shoulders

Off-the-shoulder blouses, dresses, sweaters is a trend which survived last summer. Autumn and winter was full of off-the-shoulder sweaters and dresses and apparently they will appear this spring as well. Anyway, bare shoulders are nothing new in fashion, this type of cuts have already appeared in the eighteenth century. Bluzki, sukienki, swetry z odkrytymi ramionami to  trend, który przetrwał ubiegłe lato, widoczny  był jesienią i zimą na swetrach i sukienkach opuszczanych na ramiona i najwyraźniej tej wiosny także z nami pozostanie.  Zresztą, odkryte ramiona nie są niczym nowym w modzie, tego typu fasony pojawiały się już w XVIII wieku. sukienka odsłaniająca ramiona / dress TU koszula jeansowa/ jeans shirt Wrangler (z szafy narzeczonego;)) TU czapka/ cap KAMEA trampki/ sneakers Converse TU torebka/bag Michael Kors TU naszyjnik...

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12 tips how to make your cheap clothes look expensive and luxury

It’s easy to spend all your salary in an expensive boutique, and enjoy a luxurious look. To be honest, I have never paid attention to the labels of my clothes. The most important was the final effect of the whole makeover. Therefore, I don’t persuade you to spend all your money and additionally take a loan to buy a pair of shoes. There are several reasonable ways to look like a million dollars without spending a million;) Here are 12 of my reliable tricks how to look luxurious by using cheaper counterparts and mass products. Sometimes it is enough to get some shopping and styling skills. What is worth remembering? Zostawić całą wypłatę w drogim butiku i cieszyć się luksusowym wyglądem...

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