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Get ready with me – in a rush

I don’t complain about  lack of organizational skills; I think I'm really well organized person. But there are days when time goes faster. Especially in the morning. And I don’t mean those lazy mornings when I stay under a blanket with a good book, cup of coffee with frothed milk and delicious croissant. No, I'm talking about those mornings when I’m woken by the awful shrill twang of my alarm clock, I have 20 minutes to go out, no idea what to wear, and my hair lives its own life. Sounds familiar? How to deal with it? Run in a panic from one hanger to another, try blouses on the top of one another and after that your wardrobe is...

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Why Gray? Beacause my ideas are colorful.

Gray again . Not that I’m a mouseburger, or that  I’m afraid of  wearing bold colors and flashy patterns. No, it’s not like that. Sometimes I reach for such "extravagances" and you could see that on my blog many times ;).  I simply like gray color. Not because it’s dull. It’s because gray is multidimensional. And I think gray has more than 50 shades ;) Znowu szary. Nie to żebym była jakąś szarą myszką, czy żebym bała się nosić odważne kolory czy krzykliwe wzory. Nie, to nie tak. Czasami sięgam po takie „ekstrawagancje” i nie raz mogliście zobaczyć to na moim blogu;) Ja po prostu lubię szarość. Nie dlatego, że jest nijaka. Dlatego właśnie, że jest tak wielowymiarowa. I myślę,...

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How to wear oversized clothes?

When the oversized trend has begun I couldn’t imagine myself wearing something so big that looks like from the older sister's wardrobe. Probably because when I was a  child (when unfortunately the oversized trend hasn’t ruled the catwalks yet ) I had a problem with clothes because a lot of them were too big for me. The trend for at least one size too big clothes  started a few seasons ago and it’s still a desirable component of glamourous and nonchalant makeovers. Unfortunately, a lot of women give up on this trend because they are afraid that they will look like a shapeless sack. These fears are completely unfounded, because thanks to oversized sweaters, jackets, jeans and shirts you can...

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Multitasking girl in a big city

Do you remember the post where I wrote you about how to wear a big scarf? HERE you can see a large scarf in a classic version. Today, I have for you the same scarf as a poncho. Thrown over the shoulders and fastened round the waist with a belt is perfect as outer clothes for warmer days. I love when clothes, cosmetics and items are not only universal, but also "multi-tasking". Coconut oil as hair conditioner, as a body lotion and brilliant as an oil in the kitchen. Scarf as a traditional scarf, as poncho, as a blanket and as cape ...

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4 New Habits for a Better Life

Hello my Dear! In my today's post, I invite you to join the challenge, so that you can develop some positive habits, which spread more positive vibes and love around us. Below you will find four positive habits that you should implement for the next 30 days, and hopefully after finishing the challenge as well. Why 30 days? Behavioral psychologists and experts say that the introduction of a new habit into life lasts around 20 to 70 days. Steve Pavlina put forward an interesting concept on his blog . He noted that you can try shareware programs for free usually for 30 days, because the 30-days free use of the program is enough to develop a habit, so we are more...

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How to wear animal prints and look stylish?

Leopard print is a risky pattern. It’s controversial and it provokes various feelings. Many of us still associate animal print with kitsch, or even - vulgar outfits typical for tacky discos. But thanks to the appropriate combination it gains elegance. Personally, I think that every woman should own at least one thing with animal print in her wardrobe. Are you afraid of animal print clothes? Do you think that they aren’t elegant? It’s a matter of styling. So how to wear it to avoid fashion mistake? Cętki to ryzykowny wzór. Wzbudza kontrowersje i mieszane uczucia. Wielu z nas panterka nadal kojarzy się z dość kiczowatymi, by nie powiedzieć – wulgarnymi, stylizacjami rodem z tanich dyskotek. Ale w odpowiedniej oprawie zyskuje na elegancji....

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Why so serious?

They say that fashion is fun and we can do with it whatever we want. On the other hand, there are a lot of "rules" by which some things should be combined with each other; many prohibitions that we should follow to avoid fashion blunders. Some things are "In", the other are "out". Many of the rules that were core, today are breaking by the largest fashion experts. The truth is that “ Playing dress-up begins at age 5 and never truly ends” as fashion designed Kate Spade once said. How to keep up with all of that ? Well, you can follow fashion portals, blogs, read magazines or ...

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Carnival dress form

The carnival period is coming  - fun, madness and dancing till dawn! Cinderella needs a perfect pair of shoes to conquer the world, but don’t forget about the fact that her dress was conjured up by a  fairy. If  you don’t have a unique dress in your wardrobe, which is perfect for a special occasion then I have prepared for you a little overview of cocktail dresses. At first a few dresses that are great for those of you who like sexy and feminine solutions - fitted styling with a  lace or shimmering sequins CLICK Przed nami okres karnawału – zabawa, szaleństwo i tańce do rana! Kopciuszek, aby podbić świat potrzebował idealnej pary butów, ale nie zapominajmy o tym, że jego sukienkę...

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