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Moda z brzuszkiem – co warto mieć w swojej ciążowej garderobie oraz czego nie warto kupować

Time of pregnancy is a unique state for a woman - the feeling of euphoria and waiting for a miracle that is under your heart. All of that gives wings. Pregnancy hormones often give extreme emotions. And a lot of changes, changes and changes - from the most important ones - that you are no longer responsible only for yourself, changes related to lifestyle, diet and appearance. No matter how fit mum -to -be you are , sooner or later, bigger belly will make difficult to wear your favorite jeans;) Therefore, I think that well state of being, both physical and appearance is very important. I am glad that currently pregnant women have the opportunity to look really sexy, because...

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6 months with my loved one

25 weeks. 6 months. Half a year. I thought that half a year was a long time. During that time, you can certainly make friends, settle in a new place, get used to the new situation. That's how long our relationship lasts. I love you from the very first moment. I think I loved you even before you appeared. I just waited, like a girl is waiting for her prince for her whole life. I hope that you will also welcome me with such love and you will also like me. Because you know, even though I have not seen you yet, I know that you will be the most beautiful creature for me. Of course I have some concepts...

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Ulubieńcy kwietnia (Buty GANT i zniżka do, książka „I że Cię nie opuszczę”, kremy do rąk Fruity Jungle, choker, PHYTO Paris, Vita Liberata)

Jak zwykle w przypadku ulubieńców miesiąca - zanim zdążę się obejrzeć, następny miesiąc za mną. Czy tylko mi czas płynie tak szybko? Co każdy wtorek moja aplikacja na telefonie informuje mnie o kolejnym tygodniu ciąży, a ja z przerażeniem orientuję się, że czas mija mi coraz szybciej i szybciej. Dlatego dziś szybko, krótko i na temat. Ulubieńców jest niewiele, ale są naprawdę świetne! Zapraszam do przeglądu moich comiesięcznych umilaczy :) bluzka/ blouse spodnie/jeans H&M mama buty/shoes GANT via torebka/bag zegarek/watch Viceroy bransoletka i naszyjnik/bracelet and necklace pierścionek/ring 1) Sandały na koturnie GANT z Te sandałki skradły moje serce i jak tylko zrobiło sie ciepło nie rozstawałam się z nimi. Najbardziej lubię je łączyć z jeansem i bielą. Moim zdaniem...

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Well, spring has finally come to us for good! These few (over a dozen) degrees Celsius more above zero as if by magic, brighten the reality and it worked on me like a wonderful elixir adding me strength and energy:). First walks have started, and parks, promenades and streets around the market square were full of people. We also decided to welcome spring weather. Here's why I love spring Sundays so much : No i wiosna zagościła u nas na dobre! Te kilka(naście) stopni Celciusza więcej na plusie, jak za dotknięciem magicznej różdżki, rozjaśniło rzeczywistość i podziałało na mnie jak cudowny eliksir dodający sił i energii :) Zaczęły sie pierwsze spacery, a parki, deptaki czy uliczki dookoła rynku wypełniły się ludźmi....

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My March Favorites(Nike Air max, basic sweatshirts, Versace Woman, polka dot tights and YouTube channels )

  Every time I write a post about my favorites, I realize that time passes so fast! Although March is longer than February, I have the impression that it passed even faster than the shortest month - February. There aren’t too many favorites this month, because I must admit that a lot has happened in my life and in such a rush I usually don’t have time to discover new things;) Za każdym razem kiedy zabieram się za post o ulubieńcach uświadamiam sobie jak ten czas szybko leci! Mimo, że marzec jest dłuższy od lutego, mam wrażenie, że minął mi jeszcze szybciej niż najkrótszy miesiąc - luty. Nie będzie w tym miesiącu zbyt wielu ulubieńców, bo muszę przyznać, że sporo się działo,...

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5 life improvements I have recently implemented in my life

The best thing in your life is that you hold the reins and you’re the captain of your ship of life. You can control the route, choose a course or let the wind steer your ship;) Of course, you can’t always control everything, but you can make many decisions that affect where you will get. I always try to get conclusions from my mistakes and stumbles and implement them to my life to make it happier and healthier. I don’t believe in resignation and I don’t content myself with half-measures for a long time. I believe in finding things that make me happier. And that's why I have recently implemented a few improvements that are so simple that I can't...

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Wardrobe metamorphosis for spring – 8 tricks, which will allow you to sell your clothes you don’t need

Spring sun gives me energy and strength and I start feeling the need to refresh my complexion, I do housework and wardrobe cleaning. In case of tidying in the wardrobe, I unwillingly throw away my clothes. Especially that most of my clothes are things worn only one or two times, so they look like new . I regularly give a lot of my clothes to charity containers or to orphanage. However, I spent a lot of money on my clothes, so it's a pity to get rid of them and they just "rest" in my wardrobe. With time, it turns out that it is not my color or I do not feel good in such cut. The sense of such...

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7 fashionable dresses this spring

  Can’t you look forward spring too? My spring wardrobe, full of pastels and bright colors is ready and waiting for warm days. If I buy one more new airy dress now, then maybe the warm days would come faster? Anyway, you can always wear a sweater on it. After all, cardigans worn with airy maxi dresses are now one of the hottest trends;) In the matter of dresses in fashion will be light, maxi length, colors and patterns. Trendy will be: plaid (vichy), floral (large flowers), star, airy and romantic, princess-style dresses and shiny and transparent models. You will also find asymmetrical cuts. Such models soon will be the hottest. Czy Wy też nie możecie się już doczekać wiosny? Moja wiosenna garderoba,...

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My favorite everyday uniform (and why is worth having your own signature uniform)

I admit that when I think back to my early adulthood, I see my wardrobe full of clothes in every color of the rainbow, in every possible cut and style. Of course, despite the enormous amount of clothes, I had the eternal "I have nothing to wear" problem. I think many of you have a similar problem;) Today, in my wardrobe there are less clothes, colors are more unified, it is also hard to see all possible cuts and it is much easier to choose what to wear. Although, there are days when I stand in front of my wardrobe and I totally have no idea what to wear . However, when it comes to the outfit, which I can...

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