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Fall/Winter 2018 Trends

Although I am not a girl who blindly follow the trends and I usually choose only one or two trends that catch my attention and that are in my style. I like to be up to date and I like to know "what’s in fashion";). That is why every year I go through fashion magazines, watch fashion shows to see current trends. Last autumn, I decided to be  "unfashionable", because not many trends were in my style (I even wrote you about it in THIS post). But this year I am delighted! One of the strongest fashion tendencies is ...

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My September Favorities

Hello! Since I decided to post my favorites of the month, I noticed that these posts are the most visited so it encourages me to continue sharing with you my discoveries. In September, despite the fact that temperatures weren’t the highest, I tried to enjoy last warm days and smuggle as much summer clothes as possible. I usually  try to reach for boots or warm sweaters only when fall is in the air. The fall-winter period often lasts long, so there will be a lot of opportunities to wrap up in warm sweaters and high boots;) So today I am showing you  still a summer set, but its two elements: silk shirt and small handbag I often wore in September and I...

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Transitional season + promo code for shopping

Hello, September/ October is a time that gives you many options when it comes to combining elements of summer outfits with typical elements of autumn outfits. I like autumn outfits, but autumn and winter seasons last  really long, so I try to enjoy my summer clothes as long as possible. Cześć! Przełom września i października to czas, który daje wiele możliwości jeśli chodzi o łączenie elementów letniej garderoby z tą typowo jesienna. Bardzo lubię jesienne outfity, ale jesień i zima trwają naprawdę bardzo długo, więc staram się jak mogę nacieszyć letnimi ubraniami. Unfortunately, current weather doesn’t allow us to wear sandals or tops but it doesn’t mean that I will immediately jump into jacket and boots. I very like transitional  outfits...

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What is in my bag?

I love watching YT movies where girls show contents of theirs bags. Women's handbags can hide pretty nice treasures. I have to admit that the bigger bag I have, the more "miracles" I can throw into it :D That's why I usually choose small bags to which I throw only phone, car keys, lip balm and payment card. Unfortunately, I am forced to choose slightly bigger bags to work so I can carry all necessary gadgets. Uwielbiam oglądać na YT filmy, w których dziewczyny pokazują zawartość swoich torebek. Kobiece torebki potrafią skrywać naprawdę niezłe skarby. Muszę przyznać, że im większą mam torebkę, tym  więcej „cudów” potrafię do niej wrzucić :D Dlatego też najczęściej wybieram małe torebki, do których wrzucam telefon, kluczyki...

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My top 12 American fashion brands

For some time I've been doing a little transformation of my wardrobe and I noticed that in my case, enlarged capsule wardrobe works well. Thanks to cleaning up I also noticed that most of the clothes which I left are of American brands. Even my today’s look consists only of clothes of American brands. It is no wonder that I like overseas companies so much - I like American culture, optimism and stories like “from rags to riches ”. A lot of companies often started like that. Besides, I like classic style, good quality and I also appreciate brands which mainly create basic clothes. I am sure you know these brands, because they are iconic. Perhaps you don’t know the...

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Hello September!

“As Nature turns to autumn, it becomes autumn within me and around me” Johann Wolfgang von Goeth, “The Sorrows of Young Werther”   Przyrodę ogarnia jesień i jesiennie robi się we mnie i wokół mnie. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, „Cierpienia młodego Wertera” Good morning in September! Although I graduated a long time ago and I usually don’t take holiday in July or August but I always associate September with end of summer, summer holidays and summer idylle. But it doesn’t make me sad at all. I like the period of transition between summer and fall. This period is like door to fall season, prelude to nostalgic, rainy evenings, which have a lot of charm. Dzień dobry we wrześniu! Mimo, że już dawno skończyłam szkołę, a mój urlop przypada zwykle w...

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My August Favorites

Hello! Because you really like my last post about favorites of the month, I found it a good idea to post such entries more often. August went by really fast and in a holiday mood, despite the fact that I haven’t gone for my vacation yet. What are my favorites of this month? Cześć! Ponieważ mój ostatni wpis z ulubieńcami spotkał się z Waszą sympatią, stwierdziłam, że to dobry pomysł, aby wprowadzać takie wpisy częściej. Sierpień upływa mi nadspodziewanie szybko i wakacyjnie, pomimo, że prawdziwy urlop dopiero przede mną. Co w tym miesiącu spodobało mi się najbardziej? Personalized Jewelery by Dedicante I like delicate and discreet jewelery, both gold and silver. I recently discovered DEDICANTE, online store, where you can choose...

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6 Affirmations that Boost Your Confidence and Self- Esteem

I’m not a very shy person who is afraid of her own shadow. But unfortunately, I don’t have high self – esteem and I sometimes doubt myself. Even if I learned how to play a self-confident person at work every day, unfortunately, deep inside of me , there is a person who often doubts and doesn’t fully believe in her abilities. I often heard, and I still hear "try harder", "you can do better than that ". Unfortunately, this type of sentences doesn’t motivate me at all, but they undermine my motivation and as a result, I start thinking I'm not worth anything. Such negative "affirmations" limit me at the end. By observing the surroundings I noticed that a lot...

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5 Ways to Make Every Day Feel Like the Weekend

I try not to be a person who spends her entire week counting down to the weekend. But I have to admit that sometimes it's just damn hard, especially if I work a lot, beautiful sun is shining outside and there’s one month left until my holiday. This feeling of freedom, laziness which you feel on Saturday and Sunday is amazing, so I decided to add some elements to my daily routine which remind me of my weekend schedule. Staram się nie być osobą, która całe 5 roboczych dni skupia się tylko na odliczaniu ile pozostało do weekendu. Ale muszę Wam przyznać, że czasami jest to po prostu cholernie trudne, zwłaszcza, jeśli dużo pracuję, za biurowym oknem widzę piękne słońce, a...

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