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Basics – my everlasting clothes

I'm curious if you have such clothes that are literally always in your wardrobe. Of course, I skip time  of my early childhood, because it had own rules  and it was time to wear clothes that you won’t have a chance to wear later;) I have many clothes that I just replace when they are worn – out, but they are still the same models. Today I want to show you what clothes are still worn by me for over 20 years now! Jestem ciekawa czy posiadacie takie ubrania, które dosłownie zawsze, były w waszej szafie. Oczywiście pomijam okres wczesnego dzieciństwa, bo on rządzi się innymi prawami i to czas kiedy można nosić rzeczy, których już nigdy później nie będziemy mieli...

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Thank you from the bottom of my heart

Dzień dobry Kochani! Dzisiejszy post to taki szybki wpis, w którym chciałabym Wam serdecznie podziękować za te wszystkie miłe słowa i życzenia w poście z okazji 3-cich urodzin mojego bloga :) Good morning my Dears! Today's post is a fast and short post in which I would like to thank all of you for kind words and wishes in the post on the occasion of the 3rd birthday of my blog :) Bardzo dziękuję Wam za wypełnienie ankiety, Wasze uwagi i ogrom ciepłych słów zarówno pod postem, jak i w ankiecie czy wiadomościach na Facebooku. Wiele to dla mnie znaczy. Doceniam Wasz poświęcony czas i zaangażowanie, i mogę Was zapewnić, że postaram się wprowadzić zmiany jakie zaznaczyliście w Waszych odpowiedziach,...

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My July favorites

I often show you my favorite cosmetics and fashion discoveries on the blog, but somehow I have never had the chance to tell you about my non-beauty  and non-fashion favorites before . I often show you  them on Instagram and on Insta Stories and there are voices that I should prepare such  summary every month. Maybe thanks to such posts you will discover a new, interesting product that you will also like. In July I discovered a lot of new things and a lot of them inspired me so , I decided to gather them in one post. Just see what magnetised me. Moje ulubione kosmetyki oraz modowe odkrycia często pokazuję Wam na blogu, ale jakoś nigdy wcześniej nie miałam...

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Summer is here! 8 reasons why life is easier in the summer

Do you also feel that everything comes easier during the summer? From such trivial things like mornings, which in the summer are not as heavy as winter, more beautiful skin, and ending on healthy diet. It's true that the cooler seasons also have their charm, but for me summer is the best !! Below you can find some of my reasons why life is easier in the summer: Czy Wy także  macie wrażenie, że latem wszystko przychodzi łatwiej? Poczynając od tak błahych rzeczy jak poranki, które latem wcale nie są tak ciężkie jak zimą, przez piękniejszą  skórę, a na zdrowszej diecie kończąc. To prawda, że chłodniejsze pory roku też mają swoje uroki, ale dla mnie lato rządzi! Kilka moich powodów dlaczego uważam, że...

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8 Bad Habits Which I Have To Eliminate From My Daily Routine

Each of us has some bad habits - whether you want to admit it or not;) You may not even be aware of some of them.  Sleeping in makeup, eating after 8 P.M., drinking coffee instead of water… the list is endless.  The most important thing is to realize that you have bad habits  and try to eliminate them. I know – it’s not easy, but if bad habits harm my efficiency or my health, then I want to get rid of them as quickly as possible;) Are you curious about my sins? Because I'm curious about yours: D Każdy z nas ma  jakieś złe nawyki  - czy chcemy się do tego przyznawać czy nie;) Niektórych z nich może nawet nie...

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Trend alert: Flounces

Not all this year's trends are my favorite. I wrote you about it in THIS post. I‘m still not convinced to shapeless jeans, patches, kitten heels or gigantic, wide arms trend. I'm very tempted to add a bit of fuchsia colour into my wardrobe – so far I smear it only as an accent on my lips;) and  flounces! They decorate blouses, dresses, skirts, trousers or even boots - Flounce rulez !. Thanks to  flounce this spring-summer season is full of femininity and romanticism, and it’s really in my style. Nie wszystkie tegoroczne trendy przypadły mi do gustu. Pisałam o tym w TYM poście. Nadal podtrzymuję moje zdanie odnośnie tego, że nie przekonują mnie bezkształtne jeansy , naszywki, buty na obcasie...

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Ways to Invest in Yourself and why is it so powerful?

Parents and grandparents always told me to invest in my education because it will always pay off. My aunt said that the most important are foreign languages, and my beautiful friend said that it is worth to take care of yourself and your body, because beautiful  people have easier lifes. It follows that there is nothing more valuable than simply investing in yourself. Even if profits come late, it is worth to invest and harvest crops later. It doesn’t matter whether it be learning new skills, professional development , nurturing your talents, or simply taking care of yourself and your health. On the internet I found great quote: “If you want to invest in something with minimum risk and a...

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Normality, please don’t go.

By running a fashion blog, you feel the pressure of being fashionable. Ok, maybe pressure is not a right word. I like to be trendy, I always liked. But the pressure is on being trendy, not even know all the trends, but not to be hypocrite and  wear them. Well, how to write about fur flip flops  and combining polka dots with flowers and metallic belt and at the same time choose  simple jeans and white t-shirt or black uniform. They say : the shoemaker’s children are ill-shod;) And such is my today’s outfit, because it's hard to call it  styling. It is boring  and totally "not fashionable", but it is 200% me – I ‘m normal, boring, predictable and...

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