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Normality, please don’t go.

By running a fashion blog, you feel the pressure of being fashionable. Ok, maybe pressure is not a right word. I like to be trendy, I always liked. But the pressure is on being trendy, not even know all the trends, but not to be hypocrite and  wear them. Well, how to write about fur flip flops  and combining polka dots with flowers and metallic belt and at the same time choose  simple jeans and white t-shirt or black uniform. They say : the shoemaker’s children are ill-shod;) And such is my today’s outfit, because it's hard to call it  styling. It is boring  and totally "not fashionable", but it is 200% me – I ‘m normal, boring, predictable and...

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In a trap of thinking patterns

I was sitting in a café at the corner and I was sipping a huge caramel latte. It probably has  thousand calories, but I had to get warm on this cool, but spring morning. It was just one of those days when I was dreaming about vacations and  I took a few days off to arrange some things for which I usually don’t have time and next I started missing active day at work. I finished last chapter of the book and I started staring at world around me. An elegant man about 40 years old, probably a manager in a large company, drank an espresso in a hurry, put in his belongings to a leather briefcase and went out...

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My spring essentials

This year combining spring clothes is really easy for me. For a long time, I have been creating very simple base wardrobe which will help me to survive and make me satisfied not only for one season. With oncoming spring I only add some new accessories, some gadgets and the base which I already have :) What is on my spring essentials list? Check it !  W tym roku kompletowanie wiosennej garderoby jest dla mnie naprawdę łatwe. Od dłuższego czasu tworzę bardzo prostą, bazową zawartość szafy, która pomoże mi przetrwać w zadowoleniu nie tylko jeden sezon, dlatego wraz ze zmianą pory roku wymieniam tylko akcesoria, kilka gadżetów, a bazę po prostu już mam :) Co znajduje się zatem na mojej wiosennej...

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Renewal of the skin, hair and nails with the Premium Collagen 5000

Beauty comes from within – people say but I think it doesn’t only refer to our beautiful soul. In my opinion - our beauty is related to the condition of our body. Even if our makeup bag is bursting at the seams, and we conscientiously apply the most expensive cosmetics, it’s not enough because  if we don’t take care of healthy inside, we won’t achieve satisfactory results. Beautiful skin depends on healthy diet, and it’s good when it contains  supplements. One of such supplements is collagen. Several times, I used cosmetics with addition of collagen, also  pure collagen used externally or collagen in tablets. I was satisfied with the results so this time I reached for nutricosmetic Premium Collagen5000, which...

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How to make your work outfit more interesting and fun?

When I started working for corporation  - I actually did an internship while studying, I was young and I admit it took me a long time to create appropriate business attire which at the same time allowed  me to express my personality. Most office  clothes were good for slightly older women, or they were so boring that I could only wear them for a job interview. They weren’t good for morning mirror selfie  on Instagram with #ootd (Aside from the fact, that when I started working Instagram hasn’t existed yet;)). Wearing an office uniform quickly became boring and tiring for me and I wanted to add some touch of smart coolness to my office style. So I decided that to...

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Veera piękne nogi

Na przyjście wysokich temperatur czekają zarówno kobiety, jak i mężczyźni. Pewnie motywacja jest inna, bo Panie chcą pochwalić się nową zwiewną garderobą, a Panowie z kolei chcą cieszyć swój wzrok widokiem pięknych kobiet w kusych spódniczkach. Jedno jest pewne – wszystko sprowadza się do nóg. I tyle ile nóg, tyle gustów i nie będziemy o tym dyskutować, bo znajdą się zarówno zwolennicy długich żyrafich nóg, zwolennicy umięśnionych czy zaokrąglonych ud. Ale chyba każdy się ze mną zgodzi, że nogi z żylakami to nie jest ten widok, na który czekamy. I nie chodzi tylko o względy estetyczne. Żylaki są choroba i niestety bardzo często bagatelizowaną. W niektórych przypadkach żylaki mogą zagrażać życiu jeśli dojdzie do powstania zatorów. Brzmi to niewiarygodnie, ale...

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5 reasons why podcasts are great way to dream bigger

Recently, I’m obsessed with podcasts!  I can confidently say that podcasts have become my new favorite ritual. I love listening to them when I am getting ready to work. It helps me to start my day productively and positively. I reach for it when I’m on my way to and from work (traffic jams!!) and while I’m cooking, ironing or relaxing in the bathJ My adventure with podcasts began relatively recently, but before that I was "eavesdropping" podcasts that my husband was listening while  we were traveling by car. Ostatnio totalnie wkręciłam się w podcasty! Mogę śmiało powiedzieć, że podcasty stały się moim  nowym ulubionym rytuałem. Uwielbiam słuchać ich kiedy rano przygotowuję się do wyjścia do pracy, pomaga mi to rozpocząć...

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5 reasons why it’s not worth worrying about the future

During  recent workshop at my work I was asked about my fears. When I started to think about it, I realized that I worry about the future the most.  My thoughts revolve around it and I mostly focus my activities on this topic. Why is not worth focusing on the past, I wrote you HERE and HERE. Not only focusing on the past, but also thinking too much about the future is very destructive. Just like visualizing your goals, visualizing your worries lead you to what you imagine. Of course, setting future goals requires a look into the future and anticipation, and you need to take up a challenge and take a risk ( it causes worries ), but when...

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Past, present, future…

Today, I found my forgotten photos on my computer disk that I took at the beginning of last fall, but there was no time to share them with you. I thought that I keep moving forward, I do something new all the time so what’s the point of hoary old chestnut? I’ve even recently written text on my blog to live here and now. Odgrzebałam dzisiaj na dysku zapomniane zdjęcia, które wykonałam jeszcze na początku minionej jesieni i nie było czasu żeby się nimi z Wami podzielić. Tak sobie wtedy pomyślałam o tym, że idę cały czas do przodu, tworze ciągle coś nowego i czy w ogóle jest sens „odgrzewać jakieś stare kotlety”? Przecież nawet sama niedawno pisałam tekst o tym,...

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