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How important are the people we meet in our life ?

" I met someone. It was an accident, I wasn't looking for it, it wasn't on the make, it was a perfect storm. She said one thing, I said another, next thing I knew, I wanted to spend the rest of my life in the middle of that conversation. Now there's this feeling in my gut she might be the one. " Hank Moody Californication „Poznałem kogoś. To był przypadek., Nie szukałem jej. To było jak burza. Ona powiedziała coś a ja jej odpowiedziałem. Zanim się zorientowałem chciałem, aby ta rozmowa trwała przez resztę mojego życia. Mam to przeczucie, że ona może być tą jedyną”. HankMoody, Californication Every single day we meet some people on our way , we pass them on...

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Black Friday !

Are you waiting for Black Friday sales? I can't wait to get home, make delicious cocoa in my favourite mug and lose myself in online sales . I hate going shopping but online shopping is a totally different situation:) Czekacie na wyprzedaże Black Friday? Ja już nie mogę się doczekać aż wrócę dziś z pracy do domu, przygotuję sobie pyszne kakao w ulubionym kubku i kiedy zniknę w czeluściach internetowych obniżek. Nie znoszę robić zakupów stacjonarnie, ale zakupy w sieci to zupełnie coś innego :) koszula/ shirt CLICK marynarka/ jacket ZARA jeansy/ jeans GirlJ buty/shoes Dorothy Perkins torebka/clutch z szafy mamy/from my mother's wardrobe Daniel Wellington I’m going to choose something at Zalando KLIK  - I love this shop because it offers huge selection of clothes...

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3 proste kroki do młodej skóry – Beauty Line Noble Health

Cześć Kochani, niedawno pisałam Wam o moim planie urodowym jaki zamierzam wdrożyć jesienią. Na tej liście znalazło się między innymi suplementowanie wewnętrznie kolagenem oraz wprowadzenie kremów z kolagenem.  Zdecydowałam się na produkty Noble Health. O moich planach możecie przeczytać TU, a dzisiaj przyszedł czas kiedy mogę się z Wami podzielić moimi wrażeniami, bo zarówno w kremach  widać denko, i jestem w trakcie drugiego opakowania suplementu. Jak sprawdziła się u mnie kuracja kolagenowa? Czy zamierzam sięgnąć po kolagen w przyszłości? Jeśli jesteście ciekawi – zapraszam do dalszej części postu. Hello my Dears, I have recently written about my beauty plans that I'm going to implement this fall. This list includes, among others, collagen supplements and collagen in the form of creams. I decided to...

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Sale, sale, sale on

Hi Dears, Carrie Bradshaw admits that shopping is her cardio workout, but I love online shopping: dozens of browser tabs open at once, delicious coffee and cake and all I have to do is  “click” and wait patiently for a courier. I definitely love doing such shopping during sales. It’s commonly said that: Sale shopping - half the money, double the fun. Therefore, I want to share information about Double Eleven or the GLOBAL SHOPPING FESTIVAL, (11.11) with you. On this day, among others, shop planning a huge sale. Check it: CLICK I have  discount coupon for you CLICK. Soon after that, on Friday after Thanksgiving, there is BLACK FRIDAY. It means that Christmas shopping season and huge sales start in the United States....

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Would you still like me if I had nothing ?

Today's bad weather, rain,  runny nose and bad cough are the reasons why I decided to stay at home under warm blanket and drink tea with honey and grandma’s  raspberry juice  and  take medicines which I have at home.In the worst case I will wrap up in down jacket and crawl to the doctor. This vision motivated me to take one more sip of hot tea, because it reminded me of the situation which I had last year. Dzisiejsza plucha, deszcz siąpiący od samego rana, podobnie jak katar z mojego nosa i coraz dłuższe ataki kaszlu sprawiły, że zaczęłam rozważać pozostanie w domu pod ciepłym kocem i wlewanie w siebie na zmianę słodkiej jak ulepek herbaty doprawionej miodem i babcinym sokiem...

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My favorite motivational quotes

I posted my 10 favourite motivational quotes on my blog some time ago CLICK. The post was really popular and because I‘ve recently run into a quote, which motivated me a lot, I decided to share it with you. I also wrote down few more thoughts, which are close to my heart. Jakiś czas temu opublikowałam na blogu moich 10 ulubionych motywacyjnych cytatów KLIK. Post ten cieszył się dużą popularnością, a ponieważ ostatnio wpadłam na jeden cytat, który dał mi niezłego kopa, postanowiłam podzielić się  nim z Wami. Przy okazji spisałam jeszcze kilka innych myśli, które także są mi bliskie. “You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.” ― Les Brown I think...

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My beauty plans for fall

Fall is the perfect time to take care of yourself. Evenings are long and arctic chill doesn’t encourage to get out of the house like in the summer. In addition, lack of sunlight allows you to perform cosmetic skin treatments, which are inadvisable in the summer . For me, this period is an ideal time for catching up on reading books and for intense face and body care. After summer,  my skin and hair are a little bit overdry and require increased attention. I want to tell you what beauty plans I‘m going to implement this fall, which treatments I recommend you in a beauty salon, and what treatments I’m planning :) Jesień to idealny czas na to, aby zadbać o...

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Perfectionism – how to overcome it ?

"My biggest weakness? Oh, I'm a perfectionist - I put a lot of effort into refining every little detail. It can be disadvantage at work ". Do you know, it's one of the most common answers on “What are your weaknesses?" question in a job interview. This is the advantage remoulded into a disadvantage. It always sounds better than admitting that you are inaccurate, late-comer or lazy! If you say that in a job interview because it's a "good answer" then it’s not so bad. Worse, if you are a perfectionist. It makes my life a misery. Especially since I’ve started leading the blog. I couldn’t publish a post because I was focused on each detail , I wanted  button...

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