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Be yourself

This season it's good to wear pastels, wide leg trousers, be fit and enjoy intensive cardio workout with Ewa Chodakowska; besides political correctness requires to enjoy and welcome illegal immigrants with open arms, and in a grocery store you should only buy gluten-free products. Popular porridge had been on my table before it began to celebrate its triumph in the world and in media, so it’s easy for me "to be trendy" in this case. However, if "life" requires to respect some rules "because it behoves" - I definitely say "no." I know it would be much easier to have my blog on Blogspot domain, and presenting clothes from best clothing shops would get me more page views and more...

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Here and now state of mind

Recently Monika Sałapat, owner of the Bonanza Style clothing brand , has invited me to her series of "Conversations over a cup of coffee." We talked about fashion, style, art. If you are curious about our womanish chatter, I invite you to Bonanza Style blog CLICK , where you can find the entire conversation. At some point, she asked me: "If you could go back in time? In what era, in terms of fashion, would you like to live? ". I didn’t think about stylings from the ‘20s or ‘60s,  which I would gladly come back, I just thought: I do not want to go back in time! I feel good here, now. Niedawno Monika Sałapat, właścicielka marki odzieżowej Bonanza Style,...

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Enjoy little things! Bonanza style

The devil’s in the details - the proverbs says and as with most folk wisdom, there is some truth. Sometimes a small detail can change everything. Like the print on the trousers that you can see in my today's styling. Simple, classic cigarette trousers and thanks to jacquard pattern they are much more effective, we can also dress them up for evenings. Especially when you combine them with distinctive jewellery, or like me, with a  blouse with eye-catching neckline. Black, simple blouse thanks to thin strings suddenly becomes obscenely sexy. Even such a small thing as different lip colour than usual - and what a change! Have you noticed that? ;) Diabeł tkwi w szczegółach – mówi porzekadło i jak to...

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Why Gray? Beacause my ideas are colorful.

Gray again . Not that I’m a mouseburger, or that  I’m afraid of  wearing bold colors and flashy patterns. No, it’s not like that. Sometimes I reach for such "extravagances" and you could see that on my blog many times ;).  I simply like gray color. Not because it’s dull. It’s because gray is multidimensional. And I think gray has more than 50 shades ;) Znowu szary. Nie to żebym była jakąś szarą myszką, czy żebym bała się nosić odważne kolory czy krzykliwe wzory. Nie, to nie tak. Czasami sięgam po takie „ekstrawagancje” i nie raz mogliście zobaczyć to na moim blogu;) Ja po prostu lubię szarość. Nie dlatego, że jest nijaka. Dlatego właśnie, że jest tak wielowymiarowa. I myślę,...

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Multitasking girl in a big city

Do you remember the post where I wrote you about how to wear a big scarf? HERE you can see a large scarf in a classic version. Today, I have for you the same scarf as a poncho. Thrown over the shoulders and fastened round the waist with a belt is perfect as outer clothes for warmer days. I love when clothes, cosmetics and items are not only universal, but also "multi-tasking". Coconut oil as hair conditioner, as a body lotion and brilliant as an oil in the kitchen. Scarf as a traditional scarf, as poncho, as a blanket and as cape ...

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4 New Habits for a Better Life

Hello my Dear! In my today's post, I invite you to join the challenge, so that you can develop some positive habits, which spread more positive vibes and love around us. Below you will find four positive habits that you should implement for the next 30 days, and hopefully after finishing the challenge as well. Why 30 days? Behavioral psychologists and experts say that the introduction of a new habit into life lasts around 20 to 70 days. Steve Pavlina put forward an interesting concept on his blog . He noted that you can try shareware programs for free usually for 30 days, because the 30-days free use of the program is enough to develop a habit, so we are more...

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Mądre sowy i magiczny pył od zamiast stłuczonej szyby w iPhone

Bach! ! B A CH!. Brzdęk upadającego na kafle przedmiotu roznosił się po całej kuchni. Gdy tylko zobaczyłam jak  „sztabka złota” z błyszczącym jabłuszkiem  zsuwa się z kuchennego blatu wpadłam w tryb zwolnionego tempa. Jakby to sprawiło, że będę miała więcej czasu, żeby ją złapać. Jasne. Piłki nie potrafię złapać mimo, że wystawiam obie ręce. A teraz na jednej mam kuchenną rękawicę, a w drugiej trzymam patelnię. Bach! Za późno. Złoty, migoczący pył wirował w powietrzu i rozświetlał kuchenne kafle niczym brokat sylwestrowy makijaż. Błysk odpryśniętego szkła całkiem ładnie komponował się na gładkich, grafitowych kaflach. Bam! ! B A M !.  The sound of the falling object on the floor resonated throughout the kitchen. As soon as I saw how my...

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Why New Year’s resolutions fail? (and how to succed)

Welcome to 2016. A new year beautifully symbolizes a new chapter opening in the book that is your life. But while so many people like you aspire to achieve ambitious goals, only around 10% of you will ever experience the taste of victory. Sounds bad? Keep on reading to learn why New Year’s resolutions fail (and how to succeed). Witajcie w 2016 roku. Nowy rok pięknie symbolizuje rozpoczęcie kolejnego rozdziału w księdze jaką jest nasze życie. Podczas gdy tak wiele osób, podobnie jak Ty, zamierza osiągnąć ambitne cele w nowym roku, tylko 12 % z nas doświadczy smaku zwycięstwa. Brzmi kiepsko? Zapraszam Was do dalszej lektury z której dowiecie się dlaczego noworoczne postanowienia nie zostają spełnione (oraz jak osiągnąć sukces w...

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Do something different!

One day a friend of mine asked her mother: "Mom, why do you always trim both sides of ham, while cooking?  ?” Surprised mother shrugged and said: "Well .. actually, I don’t know, my grandmother always used to do it." When they had a chance women asked elder lady why for generations in their homes they trim both sides of meat, while cooking? Does it make meat more juicy, crispy? Or maybe it adds more flavor to the dish? The eldest woman just smiled and said: "Well, when me and your grandfather got married, we didn’t have a large roasting tin and  the meat didn’t fit in ...

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