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Ulubieńcy kwietnia (Buty GANT i zniżka do, książka „I że Cię nie opuszczę”, kremy do rąk Fruity Jungle, choker, PHYTO Paris, Vita Liberata)

Jak zwykle w przypadku ulubieńców miesiąca - zanim zdążę się obejrzeć, następny miesiąc za mną. Czy tylko mi czas płynie tak szybko? Co każdy wtorek moja aplikacja na telefonie informuje mnie o kolejnym tygodniu ciąży, a ja z przerażeniem orientuję się, że czas mija mi coraz szybciej i szybciej. Dlatego dziś szybko, krótko i na temat. Ulubieńców jest niewiele, ale są naprawdę świetne! Zapraszam do przeglądu moich comiesięcznych umilaczy :) bluzka/ blouse spodnie/jeans H&M mama buty/shoes GANT via torebka/bag zegarek/watch Viceroy bransoletka i naszyjnik/bracelet and necklace pierścionek/ring 1) Sandały na koturnie GANT z Te sandałki skradły moje serce i jak tylko zrobiło sie ciepło nie rozstawałam się z nimi. Najbardziej lubię je łączyć z jeansem i bielą. Moim zdaniem...

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Well, spring has finally come to us for good! These few (over a dozen) degrees Celsius more above zero as if by magic, brighten the reality and it worked on me like a wonderful elixir adding me strength and energy:). First walks have started, and parks, promenades and streets around the market square were full of people. We also decided to welcome spring weather. Here's why I love spring Sundays so much : No i wiosna zagościła u nas na dobre! Te kilka(naście) stopni Celciusza więcej na plusie, jak za dotknięciem magicznej różdżki, rozjaśniło rzeczywistość i podziałało na mnie jak cudowny eliksir dodający sił i energii :) Zaczęły sie pierwsze spacery, a parki, deptaki czy uliczki dookoła rynku wypełniły się ludźmi....

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My March Favorites(Nike Air max, basic sweatshirts, Versace Woman, polka dot tights and YouTube channels )

  Every time I write a post about my favorites, I realize that time passes so fast! Although March is longer than February, I have the impression that it passed even faster than the shortest month - February. There aren’t too many favorites this month, because I must admit that a lot has happened in my life and in such a rush I usually don’t have time to discover new things;) Za każdym razem kiedy zabieram się za post o ulubieńcach uświadamiam sobie jak ten czas szybko leci! Mimo, że marzec jest dłuższy od lutego, mam wrażenie, że minął mi jeszcze szybciej niż najkrótszy miesiąc - luty. Nie będzie w tym miesiącu zbyt wielu ulubieńców, bo muszę przyznać, że sporo się działo,...

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5 life improvements I have recently implemented in my life

The best thing in your life is that you hold the reins and you’re the captain of your ship of life. You can control the route, choose a course or let the wind steer your ship;) Of course, you can’t always control everything, but you can make many decisions that affect where you will get. I always try to get conclusions from my mistakes and stumbles and implement them to my life to make it happier and healthier. I don’t believe in resignation and I don’t content myself with half-measures for a long time. I believe in finding things that make me happier. And that's why I have recently implemented a few improvements that are so simple that I can't...

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My favorite everyday uniform (and why is worth having your own signature uniform)

I admit that when I think back to my early adulthood, I see my wardrobe full of clothes in every color of the rainbow, in every possible cut and style. Of course, despite the enormous amount of clothes, I had the eternal "I have nothing to wear" problem. I think many of you have a similar problem;) Today, in my wardrobe there are less clothes, colors are more unified, it is also hard to see all possible cuts and it is much easier to choose what to wear. Although, there are days when I stand in front of my wardrobe and I totally have no idea what to wear . However, when it comes to the outfit, which I can...

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My February favorites (beret, Cerutti 1881, Pierre Renee Royal Matt, Big Little Lies)

Traditionally, at the beginning of a new month, I publish several of my favorites, both cosmetics and pieces of clothing, which I often chose in a given month. There will also be something cultural. Are you ready? Tradycyjnie już, z początkiem nowego miesiąca publikuje kilku moich ulubieńców, zarówno tych kosmetyczych, jak i elementy garderoby, które wyjątkowo często wybierałam danego miesiąca. Nie zabraknie też czegoś kulturalnego. Gotowi? 1. Beret Winter, unfortunately, doesn't let go, so I can't say goodbye to headgears yet. If temperatures are below zero, I reach for warm caps, but in February when it wasn't so cold, I often reached for beret. Such ordinary, often associated with "mohair" older ladies, but how cute it is! Instagam and Pinterest flood us with...

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Why Experiences Are Better Than Things

Some time ago I was reading a book in which main character wanted to pack all her belongings into one cardboard. Soon after that, my friend invited me for her birthday party and clearly mentioned that she doesn’t want to get any item or material thing. I thought it’s just fashion for minimalism. I do not hide the fact that at first I found it quite strange and I wondered what I can give her, if it was not supposed to be an object. For a long time I also asked her for guidance and thanks to the conversation with her I found out that she also limits her things so she can focus more on experiencing moments. It turns...

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Beautiful skin, hair and nails with Look Up diet supplement

Whenever my hair started to be too heavy or was too long, I dreamed of bob cut or at least mid length hairstyle and when in summer I finally cut it quite drastically (before cutting my hair was waist length and after cutting was mid length), I quickly missed my "storm" of hair. So I focused on nurturing it to grow back quickly . I always choose supplements based on biotin and horsetail, because they not only make hair growth faster , but also prevent hair loss. I‘ve recently reached for Look Up - Skin Hair Nails, a natural food supplement that improves condition of hair, skin and nails. Manufacturer promises that , due to the content of active ingredients...

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Easy fashion (for those who are not interested in fashion)

Unfortunately, not all of us have a great sense of style or class like Coco Chanel, moreover, not everyone is interested in fashion. However, I don’t believe that there are people who don’t like to look good. I know that for many people choosing even the simplest set of clothes can be challenging and they have absolutely no idea if mustard yellow looks good with red or it’s better to choose classic black. And I know that fashion is not a field that is interesting for everyone. But it’s a human nature that we want to look good. If someone claims that the look is not important ,then I think it is simply hypocrisy. You may hate shopping, women's fashion...

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How to Brighten Up Your Winter Look

When I think about winter (and not only) palette of colors, I automatically see neutral colors: gray, black, beige. Well, in winter these are usually darker and muted shades. I love them and I think they are timeless and elegant, but sometimes I would like to add some color and fun to my boring style. I do not always have the opportunity to get dressed in a sporty style, so whenever I have the chance to jump into a sports outfit, I do it. I know that at certain age it is not proper to wear pink, but fashion is fun and if we do not go for a job interview in such outfit, then why not to play a...

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