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My January Favorites

Good morning! January is over, so it's time to introduce you my month's favorites. As usual, there were several of them - due to the winter weather, I like some very warm clothes and accessories, and I also returned to the fragrance , which turned out to be a great positive surprise for me. Winter is also a time of long evenings and catching up in reading, and in January I discovered a new author, whose book drew me in and certainly I will reach for more his books. Are you curious my favorites? So, I invite you to read my post. Dzień dobry! Skończył się styczeń, więc najwyższy czas, aby przedstawić Wam moich ulubieńców miesiąca. Jak zwykle było ich kilku...

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Weekend at home – my fav kind of weekend

If someone organizes a competition for the fastest (and the most effective) packing for few days trip, I would certainly win the world championship. For several years I had frequent business trips and I mastered the art of putting into the suitcase both clothes appropriate to the office, as well as casual ones that I can wear after work. Certainly, in terms of skilful packing influence had the fact that I lived in three different places at the same time and I had to make sure that I took all necessary items to each place. For me, it was not a problem to pack for 5 days and go to an unknown city or country. I felt strange when I...

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My sale hits – what is worth buying on sales (and do not regret it!)

There are a lot of clothes, shoes and accessories, whose regular prices are ridiculously high and buying them not on sale is simply a waste of money. Once, my shopping things were divided into two categories: a stack of very cheap clothes that I dressed once or twice, because they often were poor – quality clothes, bad fabrics or just fit badly, and clothes that serve me for many, many years. Thanks to this I noticed one regularity – whenever it was emotional decision I always bought trash goods, because I was guided by a vision of "bargain" - a top for PLN 20, a dress for PLN 30. When I was looking for something that I wanted to buy...

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Why I stick to elegant minimalism

Many of you will probably agree with me that elegant minimalism is beautiful and you would like to wear clothes like that every day. Well – such situation is in my case . My Pinterest is full of classic, elegant and minimalist sets, kept in a neutral color palette. However, although I am steeped in such a minimalist style, this elegant minimalism is much more difficult to achieve than it might seem. Especially if I go shopping or I do shopping online and I’m blinded by the latest trends, intensive colors and expressive cuts. However, after such fashion madness I always come back to these minimalist sets. And for a long time I have a plan to clean my wardrobe...

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„Coś magicznego”

Jaśminka szuka swojej magicznej mocy. Nie wie, jak moc wygląda, ale ma nawet pomysł, jak ją złapie, kiedy już na nią trafi. W szukaniu pomaga jej ciągle naburmuszony Flaming, na którego dziewczynka wpada zupełnie przypadkiem, wypatrując mocy wśród chmur. Flaming, nie wiadomo dlaczego, wszędzie nosi ze sobą kiwi – i to jest przynajmniej tak samo tajemnicze, jak to, gdzie kryje się magiczna moc Jaśminki. Chcielibyście poznać Jaśminkę i Flaminga? Może jesteś mamą lub tatą i szukasz wartościowej literatury dla Twoich pociech? A może po prostu lubisz pomagać innym i wspierać ich w dążeniu do zrealizowania celów? Jeśli choć na jedno z pytań odpowiedziałeś TAK, to znaczy, że ten post jest dla Ciebie! Moja znajoma, Dagmara Sen, ilustratorka, pisarka, grafik i psycholog,...

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My November favorities

This month ran so fast. It is already New Year, and I have not even managed to share my November favorities with you earlier. As usual, among my favorites, there is something fashionable, which I wore around the clock, some accessories, something to read, an interesting fragrance. OK., Let’s we start ! Ten miesiąc uciekł mi w tak szybkim tempie, że już jest Nowy Rok, a ja nie zdążyłam nawet podzielić się z Wami wcześniej moimi ulubieńcami listopada. Jak zwykle wśród moich ulubieńców znalazło się coś modowego, co nosiłam na okrągło, coś z dodatków, coś do poczytania, ciekawy zapach. Nie przedłużając – zaczynamy! 1. Over the knee boots I can’t imagine winter and fall season without over the knee boots. I especially love...

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One thing that can change everything

You all know the fact that the devil is in the details. But I have the impression that we sometimes forget about it and we don’t really believe that it is true. "These are only insignificant details" - we think. To, że diabeł tkwi w szczegółach wiemy wszyscy. Mam jednak wrażenie, że czasami zapominamy o tym i nie do końca wierzymy, że jest tak naprawdę. „To tylko nieistotne szczegóły” – myślimy. And I don’t mean that changing one piece of clothing can totally change the look ( but actually  such situation is in case of my today’s outfit), but even discrete behavioral changes can be received in a completely different way. How? Imagine that you are doing shopping and you hear from...

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My ways how to survive fall

In fall I hate cold, wind, rain and the fact that days are so short that I barely finish my work and it is already dark. It is true. But how is it that I adore these warm shades of yellow, dark red, brown leaves, the sound of leaves crunching under my feet. I love watching the rain through the window, I love warming up touch of  sweaters and woolen shawls. That's also true.   Nienawidzę tej zimnej pluchy, wiatru, deszczu, tego, że dzień jest tak krótki, że ledwie kończę pracę, a już jest ciemno. To prawda. Ale jak to ma się do tego, że  uwielbiam te ciepłe odcienie pożółkłych, ciemnoczerwonych, brunatnych liści, ich szelest pod butami. Uwielbiam patrzeć jak za oknem pada deszcz,...

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