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Weekend at home – my fav kind of weekend

If someone organizes a competition for the fastest (and the most effective) packing for few days trip, I would certainly win the world championship. For several years I had frequent business trips and I mastered the art of putting into the suitcase both clothes appropriate to the office, as well as casual ones that I can wear after work. Certainly, in terms of skilful packing influence had the fact that I lived in three different places at the same time and I had to make sure that I took all necessary items to each place. For me, it was not a problem to pack for 5 days and go to an unknown city or country. I felt strange when I...

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Why I stick to elegant minimalism

Many of you will probably agree with me that elegant minimalism is beautiful and you would like to wear clothes like that every day. Well – such situation is in my case . My Pinterest is full of classic, elegant and minimalist sets, kept in a neutral color palette. However, although I am steeped in such a minimalist style, this elegant minimalism is much more difficult to achieve than it might seem. Especially if I go shopping or I do shopping online and I’m blinded by the latest trends, intensive colors and expressive cuts. However, after such fashion madness I always come back to these minimalist sets. And for a long time I have a plan to clean my wardrobe...

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My top 12 American fashion brands

For some time I've been doing a little transformation of my wardrobe and I noticed that in my case, enlarged capsule wardrobe works well. Thanks to cleaning up I also noticed that most of the clothes which I left are of American brands. Even my today’s look consists only of clothes of American brands. It is no wonder that I like overseas companies so much - I like American culture, optimism and stories like “from rags to riches ”. A lot of companies often started like that. Besides, I like classic style, good quality and I also appreciate brands which mainly create basic clothes. I am sure you know these brands, because they are iconic. Perhaps you don’t know the...

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Hello September!

“As Nature turns to autumn, it becomes autumn within me and around me” Johann Wolfgang von Goeth, “The Sorrows of Young Werther”   Przyrodę ogarnia jesień i jesiennie robi się we mnie i wokół mnie. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, „Cierpienia młodego Wertera” Good morning in September! Although I graduated a long time ago and I usually don’t take holiday in July or August but I always associate September with end of summer, summer holidays and summer idylle. But it doesn’t make me sad at all. I like the period of transition between summer and fall. This period is like door to fall season, prelude to nostalgic, rainy evenings, which have a lot of charm. Dzień dobry we wrześniu! Mimo, że już dawno skończyłam szkołę, a mój urlop przypada zwykle w...

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