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Weekend at home – my fav kind of weekend

If someone organizes a competition for the fastest (and the most effective) packing for few days trip, I would certainly win the world championship. For several years I had frequent business trips and I mastered the art of putting into the suitcase both clothes appropriate to the office, as well as casual ones that I can wear after work. Certainly, in terms of skilful packing influence had the fact that I lived in three different places at the same time and I had to make sure that I took all necessary items to each place. For me, it was not a problem to pack for 5 days and go to an unknown city or country. I felt strange when I...

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Why I stick to elegant minimalism

Many of you will probably agree with me that elegant minimalism is beautiful and you would like to wear clothes like that every day. Well – such situation is in my case . My Pinterest is full of classic, elegant and minimalist sets, kept in a neutral color palette. However, although I am steeped in such a minimalist style, this elegant minimalism is much more difficult to achieve than it might seem. Especially if I go shopping or I do shopping online and I’m blinded by the latest trends, intensive colors and expressive cuts. However, after such fashion madness I always come back to these minimalist sets. And for a long time I have a plan to clean my wardrobe...

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One thing that can change everything

You all know the fact that the devil is in the details. But I have the impression that we sometimes forget about it and we don’t really believe that it is true. "These are only insignificant details" - we think. To, że diabeł tkwi w szczegółach wiemy wszyscy. Mam jednak wrażenie, że czasami zapominamy o tym i nie do końca wierzymy, że jest tak naprawdę. „To tylko nieistotne szczegóły” – myślimy. And I don’t mean that changing one piece of clothing can totally change the look ( but actually  such situation is in case of my today’s outfit), but even discrete behavioral changes can be received in a completely different way. How? Imagine that you are doing shopping and you hear from...

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How to wear nude total look

In my opinion nude color has much more shades than famous "50 shades of gray";). It’s  also definitely my favorite color. Just see few of my posts on the blog or on Instagram and you will notice that this color appears very often in my wardrobe or among my accessories or even on my nails. Kolor nude ma moim zdaniem znacznie więcej odcieni niż osławione “50 shades of grey”;). Jest to też zdecydowanie mój kolorystyczny faworyt. Wystarczy przewinąć choć kilka postów na blogu lub na Instagramie, żeby zauważyć, że ten kolor najczęściej pojawia się zarówno wśród elementów garderoby, jak i dodatków czy jako kolor na moich paznokciach. Nude is similar to the tone of our skin, especially to the shade of...

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Transitional season + promo code for shopping

Hello, September/ October is a time that gives you many options when it comes to combining elements of summer outfits with typical elements of autumn outfits. I like autumn outfits, but autumn and winter seasons last  really long, so I try to enjoy my summer clothes as long as possible. Cześć! Przełom września i października to czas, który daje wiele możliwości jeśli chodzi o łączenie elementów letniej garderoby z tą typowo jesienna. Bardzo lubię jesienne outfity, ale jesień i zima trwają naprawdę bardzo długo, więc staram się jak mogę nacieszyć letnimi ubraniami. Unfortunately, current weather doesn’t allow us to wear sandals or tops but it doesn’t mean that I will immediately jump into jacket and boots. I very like transitional  outfits...

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What is in my bag?

I love watching YT movies where girls show contents of theirs bags. Women's handbags can hide pretty nice treasures. I have to admit that the bigger bag I have, the more "miracles" I can throw into it :D That's why I usually choose small bags to which I throw only phone, car keys, lip balm and payment card. Unfortunately, I am forced to choose slightly bigger bags to work so I can carry all necessary gadgets. Uwielbiam oglądać na YT filmy, w których dziewczyny pokazują zawartość swoich torebek. Kobiece torebki potrafią skrywać naprawdę niezłe skarby. Muszę przyznać, że im większą mam torebkę, tym  więcej „cudów” potrafię do niej wrzucić :D Dlatego też najczęściej wybieram małe torebki, do których wrzucam telefon, kluczyki...

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My top 12 American fashion brands

For some time I've been doing a little transformation of my wardrobe and I noticed that in my case, enlarged capsule wardrobe works well. Thanks to cleaning up I also noticed that most of the clothes which I left are of American brands. Even my today’s look consists only of clothes of American brands. It is no wonder that I like overseas companies so much - I like American culture, optimism and stories like “from rags to riches ”. A lot of companies often started like that. Besides, I like classic style, good quality and I also appreciate brands which mainly create basic clothes. I am sure you know these brands, because they are iconic. Perhaps you don’t know the...

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Hello September!

“As Nature turns to autumn, it becomes autumn within me and around me” Johann Wolfgang von Goeth, “The Sorrows of Young Werther”   Przyrodę ogarnia jesień i jesiennie robi się we mnie i wokół mnie. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, „Cierpienia młodego Wertera” Good morning in September! Although I graduated a long time ago and I usually don’t take holiday in July or August but I always associate September with end of summer, summer holidays and summer idylle. But it doesn’t make me sad at all. I like the period of transition between summer and fall. This period is like door to fall season, prelude to nostalgic, rainy evenings, which have a lot of charm. Dzień dobry we wrześniu! Mimo, że już dawno skończyłam szkołę, a mój urlop przypada zwykle w...

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Thank you from the bottom of my heart

Dzień dobry Kochani! Dzisiejszy post to taki szybki wpis, w którym chciałabym Wam serdecznie podziękować za te wszystkie miłe słowa i życzenia w poście z okazji 3-cich urodzin mojego bloga :) Good morning my Dears! Today's post is a fast and short post in which I would like to thank all of you for kind words and wishes in the post on the occasion of the 3rd birthday of my blog :) Bardzo dziękuję Wam za wypełnienie ankiety, Wasze uwagi i ogrom ciepłych słów zarówno pod postem, jak i w ankiecie czy wiadomościach na Facebooku. Wiele to dla mnie znaczy. Doceniam Wasz poświęcony czas i zaangażowanie, i mogę Was zapewnić, że postaram się wprowadzić zmiany jakie zaznaczyliście w Waszych odpowiedziach,...

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8 Bad Habits Which I Have To Eliminate From My Daily Routine

Each of us has some bad habits - whether you want to admit it or not;) You may not even be aware of some of them.  Sleeping in makeup, eating after 8 P.M., drinking coffee instead of water… the list is endless.  The most important thing is to realize that you have bad habits  and try to eliminate them. I know – it’s not easy, but if bad habits harm my efficiency or my health, then I want to get rid of them as quickly as possible;) Are you curious about my sins? Because I'm curious about yours: D Każdy z nas ma  jakieś złe nawyki  - czy chcemy się do tego przyznawać czy nie;) Niektórych z nich może nawet nie...

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