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9 Powerful Affirmations We Should Say to Ourselves This Year

Hi :) One of the most common New Year's resolutions is a healthy lifestyle and regular exercises. Our brain is like muscles, and like any muscle in the human body it needs exercises to gain strength. And like in case of  body - exercises must be regular. Positive affirmations, is one of the easiest and the most effective tools that we can use for this purpose. Filling your mind with positive affirmations works like fuel in a car. From time to time, I post a few of my favourite quotes on my blog, I like "feeding" my mind with such positive sentences. I have recently come across a great, inspiring book -  "1000+ Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently" (Marc...

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9 Things To Focus On In 2017

  Hello :) How are you in New Year? Have you noticed any changes? Or maybe you don’t feel any difference even that date has changed? I write down my New Year's resolutions every year and this year was no different. People often don’t manage to achieve their New Year's resolutions, moreover, I wrote about it last year HERE  This year, my resolutions are really simple. I could summarize them in simple words as: do your job, love you loved ones and don’t care about the rest;)  Cześć :) Jak Wam mijają pierwsze dni Nowego Roku? A może pomimo zmiany daty nie odnotowaliście żadnej zmiany? Ja co roku spisuję swoje noworoczne postanowienia, w tym roku nie było inaczej. Wiem, że wiele noworocznych postanowień nie jest...

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How important are the people we meet in our life ?

" I met someone. It was an accident, I wasn't looking for it, it wasn't on the make, it was a perfect storm. She said one thing, I said another, next thing I knew, I wanted to spend the rest of my life in the middle of that conversation. Now there's this feeling in my gut she might be the one. " Hank Moody Californication „Poznałem kogoś. To był przypadek., Nie szukałem jej. To było jak burza. Ona powiedziała coś a ja jej odpowiedziałem. Zanim się zorientowałem chciałem, aby ta rozmowa trwała przez resztę mojego życia. Mam to przeczucie, że ona może być tą jedyną”. HankMoody, Californication Every single day we meet some people on our way , we pass them on...

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Pantone 2016 – Wellness with The Serenity Colour

When Pantone, corporation ,which identifies colors, dismissed Marsala and announced color of the year 2016 I was speechless with shock: What a beautiful pastels colors! This year, Pantone, for the first time, chose two dominant colors: pink quartz and enigmatic - serenity. While the “pink quartz” color is quite tangible and easy to define, the color of "blissful peace" or "serenity" is a little bit more difficult to define. For me it's “baby blue” color.  Anyway - beautiful! Kiedy Pantone, korporacja zajmująca się identyfikacją kolorów, zwolniło z panowania marsalę i ogłosiło swój werdykt kolorystyczny na rok 2016 oniemiałam z wrażenia: coż za piękne pastele! W tym roku Pantone, po raz pierwszy, wybrało 2 dominujące barwy: pink quartz i enigmatyczny –...

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Be yourself

This season it's good to wear pastels, wide leg trousers, be fit and enjoy intensive cardio workout with Ewa Chodakowska; besides political correctness requires to enjoy and welcome illegal immigrants with open arms, and in a grocery store you should only buy gluten-free products. Popular porridge had been on my table before it began to celebrate its triumph in the world and in media, so it’s easy for me "to be trendy" in this case. However, if "life" requires to respect some rules "because it behoves" - I definitely say "no." I know it would be much easier to have my blog on Blogspot domain, and presenting clothes from best clothing shops would get me more page views and more...

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In passing. Implicite learning.

Have you ever wondered whether we're cool because we have nice friends, or maybe it is other way round: we are so cool and because of that we attract cool people? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Definitely let me know if you know the answer ;). Zastanawialiście się kiedyś nad tym czy jesteśmy tacy fajni jak jesteśmy, bo mamy fajnych znajomych, czy może działa to na odwrotnej zasadzie: jesteśmy tacy fajni, więc i przyciągamy fajnych ludzi ? Co było pierwsze : kura czy kogut ? Jak znacie odpowiedź, koniecznie dajcie mi znać;) No matter if you are great and you attract similar people or if you were just lucky to meet unique friends, it all boils down to the fact that we always learn something from each...

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