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Easy fashion (for those who are not interested in fashion)

Unfortunately, not all of us have a great sense of style or class like Coco Chanel, moreover, not everyone is interested in fashion. However, I don’t believe that there are people who don’t like to look good. I know that for many people choosing even the simplest set of clothes can be challenging and they have absolutely no idea if mustard yellow looks good with red or it’s better to choose classic black. And I know that fashion is not a field that is interesting for everyone. But it’s a human nature that we want to look good. If someone claims that the look is not important ,then I think it is simply hypocrisy. You may hate shopping, women's fashion...

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Transitional season + promo code for shopping

Hello, September/ October is a time that gives you many options when it comes to combining elements of summer outfits with typical elements of autumn outfits. I like autumn outfits, but autumn and winter seasons last  really long, so I try to enjoy my summer clothes as long as possible. Cześć! Przełom września i października to czas, który daje wiele możliwości jeśli chodzi o łączenie elementów letniej garderoby z tą typowo jesienna. Bardzo lubię jesienne outfity, ale jesień i zima trwają naprawdę bardzo długo, więc staram się jak mogę nacieszyć letnimi ubraniami. Unfortunately, current weather doesn’t allow us to wear sandals or tops but it doesn’t mean that I will immediately jump into jacket and boots. I very like transitional  outfits...

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