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6 Ways to Pamper Yourself During Pregnancy

Even If you are experiencing pregnancy glow and everyone tells you that you look beautiful, and you have twice as much energy, there are also such days when pregnancy can take its toll and show its dark side. Fortunately, I don’t have many pregnancy ailments, and I hope that I will avoid them till the end;) But I would not be a real woman if I didn't bury and despise: D Well, you have a great reason to do it, and above all, you deserve to pamper yourself. So here's my list of ways how I pamper myself: Nawet jeśli błogosławiony czas dodaje ciążowego blasku i z każdej strony słyszy się jak kwitnąco się wygląda, a poziom energii faktycznie odpowiada dwupakowi...

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Little White Dress – Ivon

Little white dress – it’s always in the shadow of its more popular older sister - Little Black Dress. It’s a great alternative to cocktail dresses and it’s perfect solution especially for warm and sunny months. Mała biała – zawsze w cieniu swojej popularnej  starszej siostry –Małej Czarnej.  A to świetna alternatywa dla koktajlowej sukienki. Świetnie sprawdza się zwłaszcza  w cieplejsze i słoneczne miesiące. In my wardrobe, there are more little white dresses than classic black dresses. But I have the impression that white dress is often underestimated by women. It’s a pity, in my opinion, because white dress is perfect for summer and works much better during summer parties, meetings with friends , walks or even to work....

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Alert trend: heavy / light

I usually don’t pay much attention to seasonal trends – I wear similar clothes for several years, but I admit that sometimes I’m tempted to hot trends. This season, I noticed a lot of trends that have alreadybeen in fashion many years ago, and which I liked in that time. Some of my favourite fashion trends of  spring / summer 2016 are : uncovered shoulders (such styling I’ve already showed you HERE and HERE ),  metallic  (CLICK), bomber jacket or Fabric trend - combination of heavy and light material. "Opposites attract" - not only in relationships. In fashion, combining light, airy materials with heavy materials is a  trend, which I really like. I love the combination of thin, airy blouses /...

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