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Why Experiences Are Better Than Things

Some time ago I was reading a book in which main character wanted to pack all her belongings into one cardboard. Soon after that, my friend invited me for her birthday party and clearly mentioned that she doesn’t want to get any item or material thing. I thought it’s just fashion for minimalism. I do not hide the fact that at first I found it quite strange and I wondered what I can give her, if it was not supposed to be an object. For a long time I also asked her for guidance and thanks to the conversation with her I found out that she also limits her things so she can focus more on experiencing moments. It turns...

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Today I’ve read an interesting article written by prof. Gwiazdowski where he said, "protecting your hit yours." Article concerns the economy, but I think you can implement it to other issues. Do you remember the post where I confessed you that I avoid many situations because I’m afraid to fail? Such strenuous efforts to protect yourself or others (e.g. children / partner) is not good for you and it stops developing yourself. Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone. If you feel too comfortable in a relationship then passion expires and boredom appears. When your work gives you a sense of comfort then you start to feel bored. When you are getting too comfortable with life (I...

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Hello New Year!

Witajcie  Kochani w Nowym Roku! Mam nadzieję, że bez względu na to jak spędzaliście Sylwestra, to że ten czas był dla Was świetną zabawą. A co najważniejsze, że spędziliście go w wyborowym towarzystwie. Chciałam Wam życzyć wszystkiego o czym marzycie! Aby to co zaplanowaliście na Nowy Rok spełniło się. Dla mnie ubiegły rok był wyjątkowy i pełen życiowych zmian. Ten, 2017, zapowiada się równie przebojowo! Zmiany czekają też mój blog – chciałam nanieść kilka zmian na stronie, a także w samej formule blogowania. Na razie nie chcę zdradzać Wam szczegółów, wszystko w swoim czasie;) Hello my Lovelies in the New Year! I hope that no matter how you spend New Year's Eve, that time was enjoyable for you. And most importantly, that you...

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Winter time

Winter, casual everyday outfit matched with elements that are my winter #mustahave: fluffy sweater in bright color, short furry coat, unique beanie and my love in this winter season – chokerJ. Recently, it’s my favorite combination for every day, especially  after work. I leave you with the photos and I’m running to the Christmas preparations. Zimowy, casualowy zwyklak zbudowany z elementów, które są moimi zimowymi #mustahave : włochaty jasny sweterek, krótkie futerko, ciekawa czapka i moja tegoroczna miłość – choker :). Ostatnio to moje ulubione połączenie na co dzień, po pracy. Zostawiam Was z zdjęciami i zmykam do świątecznych przygotowań. During the holiday season I try to spend as much time as possible with my loved ones, away of the computer...

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My beauty plans for fall

Fall is the perfect time to take care of yourself. Evenings are long and arctic chill doesn’t encourage to get out of the house like in the summer. In addition, lack of sunlight allows you to perform cosmetic skin treatments, which are inadvisable in the summer . For me, this period is an ideal time for catching up on reading books and for intense face and body care. After summer,  my skin and hair are a little bit overdry and require increased attention. I want to tell you what beauty plans I‘m going to implement this fall, which treatments I recommend you in a beauty salon, and what treatments I’m planning :) Jesień to idealny czas na to, aby zadbać o...

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I like high heels, even these the highest. I think that they don’t  have to be uncomfortable, of course, if they have padded insole and flexible sole. But when I got my foot inside of espadrilles for the first time, I felt almost like I was barefoot! They are the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn by far. They are even more comfortable than my beloved Converse.  Coco Chanel said: "Luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury". I think that's true. Comfortable shoes have a big influence, for example on our mood. For sure some of you had situations when after one hour, you were dying  to get off your uncomfortable shoes and suddenly even sale up to 90% off wasn’t a big temptation ;). Unless it was...

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Black & white

 I  repeatedly showed you on my blog white, black or just white and black makeovers (e.g. HERE and HERE and HERE). I can’t help it - I love these two colours. I agree with Coco Chanel’s opinion : "the best color in the  whole world is the one that looks good on you." So I'm not going to give up  white or black colour. Besides I feel really good in these colours which is another key to success because Vera Wang ( an American fashion designer ) said : “A woman is never sexier than when she is comfortable in her clothes”. How not to love black & white? J Na moim blogu wielokrotnie pokazywałam Wam stylizacje w bieli, czerni lub po prostu biało czarne (np. TU i TU...

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