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Like a lady

Headwear has never been my strong point . During the year, the number of days when I wear caps are few and far between. In cold weather I usually wear a hood. Hat is the last resort for me. No, not because hat can destroy my haircut ( yeah …ok  partly because of that ;) ) but mainly I prefer hood because in my opinion  it’s more comfortable. For several seasons I noticed that all kinds of caps and hats:  bowlers, fedoras, hats with a big brim ...

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All in black

Black -  a symbol of power, intelligence, elegance, but also evil, and in the west it’s a symbol of mourning. There are as many opinions as there are men so some people think of this colour as sad and depressing. Others say that black colour is perfect for every situation. I definitely share latter view. I think this is the most elegant colour. It’s my favourite. Few years ago, when I was blonde (yes, I was blonde. I know you are surprised, but to surprise you more I will reveal you my secret -  blonde is my natural hair colour) black colour accompanied me very often. However,  since I changed my hair colour, I don’t like myself in black. I have an impression that black colour brings out the chestnut / copper...

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Pencil skirt

Despite the fact that spring is coming slowly and timidly settle down ( for me it’s still too slowly so if you know any spell to speed up the spring please let me know J ) ,it’s not reflected in the photos. Even when the weather favours, the photos are still grey, dark, blurred, or it’s just started raining. (I promise that as soon as the weather will be better you will see much better photos ). Today's photos are terrible but I really wanted to show you my new pencil skirt made of eco leather in a beautiful plum colour. I had the dress code at work so similar sets were my daily outfits some time ago. Currently, I can  parade in sneakers, jeans and a sweatshirt, but still it’s easier for me when...

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Jakiś czas temu pokazywałam Wam moją pierwszą futrzaną próbę. W porównaniu z futrzakiem, który prezentuję Wam dziś, pierwsza kamizelka to pikuś. Ten futrzak spełnia w 100% swoje zadanie - jest nie tylko modowym dodatkiem, ale też świetnie chroni przed zimnem i daje wrażenie miłego otulenia:) Kamizelka wykonana jest ze sztucznego, bardzo miękkiego futra, imitującego futerko królicze. Futrzana kamizelka posada także dodatkowy pasek, którym możemy podkreślić talię, ale w tej stylizacji, uważam, że pasek jest zbędny. Zapewne niedługo pokażę Wam kamizelkę w innej odsłonie i wówczas zobaczycie także pasek. Kamizelkę ubrałam na skórzaną ramoneskę. Do tego dodałam gruby golf i woskowane rurki. Do tego wyraziste koczyki i torebka w stylu chanelki.   kamizelka futrzana BE by Bison Eveline, sweter Mango, woskowane rurki Mango, torebka...

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