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Modern Cinderella

I think if Cinderella had ball in 2017 then she would certainly wear crystallized fishnet tights (fishnet tights are available HERE) instead of glass high heels. I think that modern princess wouldn’t choose  long, ballroom dress with tulle and lace but she would choose  something more versatile, or simply little black dress;) I wonder if only fashion trends have changed since Brothers Grimm's Cinderella or the concept of  princess has also evolved ? Would Cinderella still be gentle and fragile young lady today who dutifully carries out the orders or would she be militant feminist who fights for her rights? Myślę, że gdyby Kopciuszek wybierał się na bal w 2017 zamiast szklanych pantofelków, na pewno miałby kabaretki zdobione na całej...

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Would you still like me if I had nothing ?

Today's bad weather, rain,  runny nose and bad cough are the reasons why I decided to stay at home under warm blanket and drink tea with honey and grandma’s  raspberry juice  and  take medicines which I have at home.In the worst case I will wrap up in down jacket and crawl to the doctor. This vision motivated me to take one more sip of hot tea, because it reminded me of the situation which I had last year. Dzisiejsza plucha, deszcz siąpiący od samego rana, podobnie jak katar z mojego nosa i coraz dłuższe ataki kaszlu sprawiły, że zaczęłam rozważać pozostanie w domu pod ciepłym kocem i wlewanie w siebie na zmianę słodkiej jak ulepek herbaty doprawionej miodem i babcinym sokiem...

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