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My February favorites (beret, Cerutti 1881, Pierre Renee Royal Matt, Big Little Lies)

Traditionally, at the beginning of a new month, I publish several of my favorites, both cosmetics and pieces of clothing, which I often chose in a given month. There will also be something cultural. Are you ready? Tradycyjnie już, z początkiem nowego miesiąca publikuje kilku moich ulubieńców, zarówno tych kosmetyczych, jak i elementy garderoby, które wyjątkowo często wybierałam danego miesiąca. Nie zabraknie też czegoś kulturalnego. Gotowi? 1. Beret Winter, unfortunately, doesn't let go, so I can't say goodbye to headgears yet. If temperatures are below zero, I reach for warm caps, but in February when it wasn't so cold, I often reached for beret. Such ordinary, often associated with "mohair" older ladies, but how cute it is! Instagam and Pinterest flood us with...

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How to wear nude total look

In my opinion nude color has much more shades than famous "50 shades of gray";). It’s  also definitely my favorite color. Just see few of my posts on the blog or on Instagram and you will notice that this color appears very often in my wardrobe or among my accessories or even on my nails. Kolor nude ma moim zdaniem znacznie więcej odcieni niż osławione “50 shades of grey”;). Jest to też zdecydowanie mój kolorystyczny faworyt. Wystarczy przewinąć choć kilka postów na blogu lub na Instagramie, żeby zauważyć, że ten kolor najczęściej pojawia się zarówno wśród elementów garderoby, jak i dodatków czy jako kolor na moich paznokciach. Nude is similar to the tone of our skin, especially to the shade of...

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6 tips how to feel and look amazing when you feel far from it

No matter if you had sleepless night because you were reading an interesting book, or you caught a flu or you drank too much and girls' night out ended up costing you a hangover, or maybe you politely went to bed after bedtime story, but there are such mornings when you just feel terrible and you would be perfect hopeless queen.  I don’t know why, but such mornings happen to me when I  want to look great. But I have my ways to look great, even when my reflection in the mirror screams that I should stay under my blanket and eat ice creams and watch my favorite TV series. If you also have such days then trust my tips –...

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Every season has its special beauty…Burgundy total look.

Every season has its special beauty and fall is no exception. Watching the trees turn from a uniform green to all varieties of gold, yellow and red is a spectacular experience. It's as we woke up in a different place every week, because the view outside the window is constantly changing. Każda pora roku ma swoje unikalne piękno i jesień nie stanowi wyjątku. Obserwowanie jak drzewa zmieniają swoje zielone odzienie, na wszelkie odcienie złota, żółtego, czerwonego to niesamowite przeżycie. To tak jakbyśmy co tydzień budzili się w innym miejscu, bo widok za oknem ciągle się zmienia. How can it be that all this beauty is sign of death and decay? With all this beauty there is a certain sadness in knowing...

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