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My March Favorites(Nike Air max, basic sweatshirts, Versace Woman, polka dot tights and YouTube channels )

  Every time I write a post about my favorites, I realize that time passes so fast! Although March is longer than February, I have the impression that it passed even faster than the shortest month - February. There aren’t too many favorites this month, because I must admit that a lot has happened in my life and in such a rush I usually don’t have time to discover new things;) Za każdym razem kiedy zabieram się za post o ulubieńcach uświadamiam sobie jak ten czas szybko leci! Mimo, że marzec jest dłuższy od lutego, mam wrażenie, że minął mi jeszcze szybciej niż najkrótszy miesiąc - luty. Nie będzie w tym miesiącu zbyt wielu ulubieńców, bo muszę przyznać, że sporo się działo,...

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5 life improvements I have recently implemented in my life

The best thing in your life is that you hold the reins and you’re the captain of your ship of life. You can control the route, choose a course or let the wind steer your ship;) Of course, you can’t always control everything, but you can make many decisions that affect where you will get. I always try to get conclusions from my mistakes and stumbles and implement them to my life to make it happier and healthier. I don’t believe in resignation and I don’t content myself with half-measures for a long time. I believe in finding things that make me happier. And that's why I have recently implemented a few improvements that are so simple that I can't...

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