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Normality, please don’t go.

By running a fashion blog, you feel the pressure of being fashionable. Ok, maybe pressure is not a right word. I like to be trendy, I always liked. But the pressure is on being trendy, not even know all the trends, but not to be hypocrite and  wear them. Well, how to write about fur flip flops  and combining polka dots with flowers and metallic belt and at the same time choose  simple jeans and white t-shirt or black uniform. They say : the shoemaker’s children are ill-shod;) And such is my today’s outfit, because it's hard to call it  styling. It is boring  and totally "not fashionable", but it is 200% me – I ‘m normal, boring, predictable and...

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How to make your work outfit more interesting and fun?

When I started working for corporation  - I actually did an internship while studying, I was young and I admit it took me a long time to create appropriate business attire which at the same time allowed  me to express my personality. Most office  clothes were good for slightly older women, or they were so boring that I could only wear them for a job interview. They weren’t good for morning mirror selfie  on Instagram with #ootd (Aside from the fact, that when I started working Instagram hasn’t existed yet;)). Wearing an office uniform quickly became boring and tiring for me and I wanted to add some touch of smart coolness to my office style. So I decided that to...

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5 reasons why podcasts are great way to dream bigger

Recently, I’m obsessed with podcasts!  I can confidently say that podcasts have become my new favorite ritual. I love listening to them when I am getting ready to work. It helps me to start my day productively and positively. I reach for it when I’m on my way to and from work (traffic jams!!) and while I’m cooking, ironing or relaxing in the bathJ My adventure with podcasts began relatively recently, but before that I was "eavesdropping" podcasts that my husband was listening while  we were traveling by car. Ostatnio totalnie wkręciłam się w podcasty! Mogę śmiało powiedzieć, że podcasty stały się moim  nowym ulubionym rytuałem. Uwielbiam słuchać ich kiedy rano przygotowuję się do wyjścia do pracy, pomaga mi to rozpocząć...

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5 reasons why it’s not worth worrying about the future

During  recent workshop at my work I was asked about my fears. When I started to think about it, I realized that I worry about the future the most.  My thoughts revolve around it and I mostly focus my activities on this topic. Why is not worth focusing on the past, I wrote you HERE and HERE. Not only focusing on the past, but also thinking too much about the future is very destructive. Just like visualizing your goals, visualizing your worries lead you to what you imagine. Of course, setting future goals requires a look into the future and anticipation, and you need to take up a challenge and take a risk ( it causes worries ), but when...

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Past, present, future…

Today, I found my forgotten photos on my computer disk that I took at the beginning of last fall, but there was no time to share them with you. I thought that I keep moving forward, I do something new all the time so what’s the point of hoary old chestnut? I’ve even recently written text on my blog to live here and now. Odgrzebałam dzisiaj na dysku zapomniane zdjęcia, które wykonałam jeszcze na początku minionej jesieni i nie było czasu żeby się nimi z Wami podzielić. Tak sobie wtedy pomyślałam o tym, że idę cały czas do przodu, tworze ciągle coś nowego i czy w ogóle jest sens „odgrzewać jakieś stare kotlety”? Przecież nawet sama niedawno pisałam tekst o tym,...

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The only 5 Easy Style Rules For 2017 (and for the rest of your life;))

When I started blogging I thought that it will enrich my style and I will be more creative and open to new trends. And yes, my creativity has greatly increased,I’m also open to new trends, but in a completely different perspective than I expected. I thought that thanks to presenting various outfits my style will be more diverse and interesting. At present, I think my style has evolved but in a completely different direction. Thanks to various sets, which I showed you on my blog, I learned which cuts flatter me, and I developed a simple system thanks to which I "don’t err" (or it rarely happens to me;)). Of course, I haven’t  achieved the goal yet, it’s a long...

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Today I’ve read an interesting article written by prof. Gwiazdowski where he said, "protecting your hit yours." Article concerns the economy, but I think you can implement it to other issues. Do you remember the post where I confessed you that I avoid many situations because I’m afraid to fail? Such strenuous efforts to protect yourself or others (e.g. children / partner) is not good for you and it stops developing yourself. Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone. If you feel too comfortable in a relationship then passion expires and boredom appears. When your work gives you a sense of comfort then you start to feel bored. When you are getting too comfortable with life (I...

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Baby, it’s cold outside! OOTD na YouTube :)

Hey! I planned show you a casual winter weekend outfit - warm and comfortable, just perfect for a weekend walk. Unfortunately, my camera probably doesn’t prefer the cold weather, and camera refused to work in such conditions;) Apparently it is a thermophilic. However, my iPhone saved me.   The low temperatures aren’t terrible for him and I filmed with his help a very short video for you. I hope you would like it. I welcome you to watch and subscribe, because I planning to post  more movies on YouTube.   Cześć! Miał być weekendowy, zimowy zwyklak – ciepły i wygodny, w sam raz na spacer. Niestety, mroźna aura nie jest chyba tym co lubi mój aparat, bo odmówił pracy w takich warunkach;) Najwyraźniej jest ciepłolubny....

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Have your cake and eat it too . How to be a better decision maker.

Have your cake and eat it too - we all know that it isn’t possible. You have to make a decision.  Many decisions are trivia like choosing a blouse, meal from the menu or movie you want to watch with your loved one in the evening. But there are also difficult decisions, which affect your life. With thrill, I discovered that although I’m determined person and I usually know what I want, sometimes I have difficulty making decisions. Sometimes, I postpone decisions for really long because I want to analyze, compare them and I guess I’m picking holes in it. Recently I wanted to choose  face cream and a bag, and my doubts were endless. I spent hours reading reviews. It...

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