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My favorite motivational quotes

I posted my 10 favourite motivational quotes on my blog some time ago CLICK. The post was really popular and because I‘ve recently run into a quote, which motivated me a lot, I decided to share it with you. I also wrote down few more thoughts, which are close to my heart. Jakiś czas temu opublikowałam na blogu moich 10 ulubionych motywacyjnych cytatów KLIK. Post ten cieszył się dużą popularnością, a ponieważ ostatnio wpadłam na jeden cytat, który dał mi niezłego kopa, postanowiłam podzielić się  nim z Wami. Przy okazji spisałam jeszcze kilka innych myśli, które także są mi bliskie. “You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.” ― Les Brown I think...

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Perfectionism – how to overcome it ?

"My biggest weakness? Oh, I'm a perfectionist - I put a lot of effort into refining every little detail. It can be disadvantage at work ". Do you know, it's one of the most common answers on “What are your weaknesses?" question in a job interview. This is the advantage remoulded into a disadvantage. It always sounds better than admitting that you are inaccurate, late-comer or lazy! If you say that in a job interview because it's a "good answer" then it’s not so bad. Worse, if you are a perfectionist. It makes my life a misery. Especially since I’ve started leading the blog. I couldn’t publish a post because I was focused on each detail , I wanted  button...

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One simple rule how to declutter your mind

Sometimes the amount of information makes me feel like my head is going to explode. I focus on trifles, I notice "everything" and then accumulation of these little things makes that I can’t  focus on something productive, because there is a mess in my mind , chaos and millions of small unimportant thoughts are in my head. You can go crazy;) Or have concentration problems ;) How to get rid of it? Katrina Mayer said : “Clutter isn’t just in your home, attic, garage or office. Clutter’s also in your mind and distracts you from doing the amazing things you’re meant to do”. Well, hard not to agree :). Czasami ilość informacji, która do mnie dociera sprawia, że moja głowa omal...

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Fall is coming! A few things which help me survive fall: cardigan

End of summer really pampered us. But I have no illusions -  last days showed that warm days are gone for good. I don’t like cold weather, but there is something magical in fall, something that I don’t despair when it’s time to say goodbye to warm weather. Why? Here are few reasons why I can’t wait for fall: Sweaters – is there anyone who doesn’t like sweaters? Turtlenecks, sweater dresses, off shoulder sweaters, fluffy sweaters, sweaters with braids, bright sweaters like autumn leaves, cardigans –all of them are beautiful ! I must admit, that I like buying sweaters and dresses the most. Today I want to show you sweater from the store, which got me in the autumn mood...

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I was finishing my chicken salad and drinking green smoothie with my nose stuck in a criminal novel written by  C. Lackberg. Suddenly, I heard voices and laughter of women sitting at the table next to me. They probably work in a neighboring office building, because I see them regularly at lunch time. "- Ana, you are again with that lunch box? Just don’t change yourself into Chodakowska (Polish fitness guru), because you’ll have face like a horse "- one of the women giggled maliciously. Ana with the box hunched and explained nervously - "me as  Chodakowska ?,  I just want to lose 5 kg ...

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Borrowed from the boys closet

I'm not a feminist. I've never been one. I will probably never be in the future. Why? Because I think I don’t need to fight for women's rights. And above all,  I don’t think that we, women, have less rights. Maybe now, I will have to face a barrage of criticism from feminists, but I think that women aren’t in a bad situation. Moreover, I think  we are more privileged;) On my blog I don’t deal with political or social issues, so I will not be digging further into this topic. This short entry is only to  show that while in everyday life there are two camps where is discussed who is discriminated (if  anybody is ;))/ is there a...

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