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5 life improvements I have recently implemented in my life

The best thing in your life is that you hold the reins and you’re the captain of your ship of life. You can control the route, choose a course or let the wind steer your ship;) Of course, you can’t always control everything, but you can make many decisions that affect where you will get. I always try to get conclusions from my mistakes and stumbles and implement them to my life to make it happier and healthier. I don’t believe in resignation and I don’t content myself with half-measures for a long time. I believe in finding things that make me happier. And that's why I have recently implemented a few improvements that are so simple that I can't...

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Guide to Effortless style

I have to admit that women dressed elegantly always impress me.  I  always admire those who wear pencil skirts, beautiful women's shirts and well-tailored jackets. Wearing high heels is not a problem for me, but after few days of wearing clothes that fit into a professional dress code, I want to dress something more casual and less binding. By saying "casual" I don’t mean tracksuit. I mean effortless chic often associated with French women. And what distinguishes their style is the simplicity and clothes that look like second skin. One such combination is, for example, striped top, black skinny jeans and red lips. For me one such set is also a combination of white trousers with denim shirt. And today...

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Normality, please don’t go.

By running a fashion blog, you feel the pressure of being fashionable. Ok, maybe pressure is not a right word. I like to be trendy, I always liked. But the pressure is on being trendy, not even know all the trends, but not to be hypocrite and  wear them. Well, how to write about fur flip flops  and combining polka dots with flowers and metallic belt and at the same time choose  simple jeans and white t-shirt or black uniform. They say : the shoemaker’s children are ill-shod;) And such is my today’s outfit, because it's hard to call it  styling. It is boring  and totally "not fashionable", but it is 200% me – I ‘m normal, boring, predictable and...

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Trend alert: shine bright like a diamond

When in fashion everything is possible I don’t know if we can even talk about "trends" nowadays. Today , almost everything is fashionable, even trends, which are theoretically contradictory. Wide leg trousers have conquered the catwalks , but skinny jeans are still fashionable. Colors of the season are delicate pastels: pink and blue, but on the other hand, outfits in darker, more saturated colors ,which look like taken out from your grandmother’s wardrobe or total black look are also fashionable. One of the strongest trends on the catwalks of  for example: Balmain, Esteban Cortazar or even Isabel Marant (who likes boho style) is  shine on. Nie wiem czy w obecnych czasach, kiedy w modzie wszystkie chwyty są dozwolone możemy w ogóle...

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