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Ways to Invest in Yourself and why is it so powerful?

Parents and grandparents always told me to invest in my education because it will always pay off. My aunt said that the most important are foreign languages, and my beautiful friend said that it is worth to take care of yourself and your body, because beautiful  people have easier lifes. It follows that there is nothing more valuable than simply investing in yourself. Even if profits come late, it is worth to invest and harvest crops later. It doesn’t matter whether it be learning new skills, professional development , nurturing your talents, or simply taking care of yourself and your health. On the internet I found great quote: “If you want to invest in something with minimum risk and a...

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The only 5 Easy Style Rules For 2017 (and for the rest of your life;))

When I started blogging I thought that it will enrich my style and I will be more creative and open to new trends. And yes, my creativity has greatly increased,I’m also open to new trends, but in a completely different perspective than I expected. I thought that thanks to presenting various outfits my style will be more diverse and interesting. At present, I think my style has evolved but in a completely different direction. Thanks to various sets, which I showed you on my blog, I learned which cuts flatter me, and I developed a simple system thanks to which I "don’t err" (or it rarely happens to me;)). Of course, I haven’t  achieved the goal yet, it’s a long...

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9 Quotes That Will Kick Some Inspiration Back Into Your Life

Fall is a time when many of us feel tired, weak, discouraged or you even have  seasonal depression. No wonder - autumn days are short, there is lack of sunshine, and low temperatures and rain don’t energize us. Unfortunately, even that I tried many different defensive strategies, fall melancholy and fall of activity set in . If it takes a day or two, then I allow myself to such lazy days. But in the long run, it’s impossible in my lifestyle. That's why I used one of my ways to change it – inspiring stories of others . I think it’s a good idea so I decided to share some motivational quotes with you. Maybe they will help someone, like...

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Chokers ! – Fall must-have accessory

Is there anyone who hasn’t heard  about chokers yet? Well, maybe if you're a guy and when you hear the word “choker” then you see  “hoker” - high bar stool;) I'm not a fashion victim. It’s a fact that I love fashion, a lot of new trends tempt me, but sometimes I need more time to familiarize myself with some trends. If pastel coats are one of winter's top trends -  I immediately say : yes! I admit that I didn’t like chokers at all at the beginning . I associated  them with fashion trends of the 90's: satin ribbon tied tightly round the neck …a little bit gothic or tattoo style. It is not my style at all. I...

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