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How to organize a baby shower party for a future mother?

A baby shower literally "rain of presents" for a baby. In the USA, England or Australia, a baby shower party is very popular, in Poland it is also more and more popular. Gentlemen have their "pępkowe” party, and for moms is other party, in Poland sometimes called "bociankowe" party. I must admit that many people I talked to were very surprised and I had to explain what a baby shower is. Most people celebrate the birth of a child, not just the fact of waiting for a baby. Personally, I think that the joy of birth is unimaginably great, but also a new role of mother can be stressful and overwhelming at first, so fresh moms don’t think about organizing...

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Pros and cons of being pregnant

In the face of a new life growing in your body, each inconvenience of pregnancy is trifle. Even if we think for a moment about the fact that we can't wear favorite jeans or pencil skirt, but we feel the kick of our beloved child, we immediately forget about wasp waist. I must admit that despite of 38th week of my pregnancy, I feel great and my son is still kind to me, because I don't have pregnancy ailments, but I wouldn't be a typical woman (and Polish girl;)) if I didn't complain a little bit: D But I didn't forget about advantages. Are you curious why I think it is worth being pregnant? I invite you to read the...

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Baby on board !

When I shared the news about my pregnancy on my Instagram account, I received a lot of messages from girls who, like me, are waiting for giving a birth or are trying for a baby or have recently become mums. Kiedy podzieliłam się na moim Instagramie wiadomością o ciąży, otrzymałam naprawdę wiele wiadomości od dziewczyn, które podobnie jak ja - oczekują na narodziny dziecka lub starają się o maleństwo, albo niedawno zostały mamami. After my first post with a baby bump, which I published on my blog, several readers wrote e-mails to me, which was a nice surprise for me, because not everyone who reads my blog, share their thoughts with public, in comments. Such a good response convinced me that...

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My May Favorites (Fabiola handbag, Ivanka Trump sunglasses, Striped dresses from Answear, Tommy Hilfiger espadrilles, Hania Beauty brush soap)

May surprised me (probably not only me;)) with beautiful weather. I didn't expect that during long weekend in May there will be such high temperatures and I didn't believe when next days were also so sunny . I don't hide that I love warmth and summer atmosphere, even in spring, so I was extremely happy and I enjoyed these May days as much as possible enjoyed. When it comes to my favorites - I must admit that I still have some favorite gadgets, cosmetics or pieces of clothing from previous months, but there are some new items. Let's start! Maj zaskoczył mnie (chyba nie tylko mnie;)) przepiękną pogodą. Nie spodziewałam się, że majówka upłynie nam w tak wysokich temperaturach i nie...

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Moda z brzuszkiem – co warto mieć w swojej ciążowej garderobie oraz czego nie warto kupować

Time of pregnancy is a unique state for a woman - the feeling of euphoria and waiting for a miracle that is under your heart. All of that gives wings. Pregnancy hormones often give extreme emotions. And a lot of changes, changes and changes - from the most important ones - that you are no longer responsible only for yourself, changes related to lifestyle, diet and appearance. No matter how fit mum -to -be you are , sooner or later, bigger belly will make difficult to wear your favorite jeans;) Therefore, I think that well state of being, both physical and appearance is very important. I am glad that currently pregnant women have the opportunity to look really sexy, because...

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6 Ways to Pamper Yourself During Pregnancy

Even If you are experiencing pregnancy glow and everyone tells you that you look beautiful, and you have twice as much energy, there are also such days when pregnancy can take its toll and show its dark side. Fortunately, I don’t have many pregnancy ailments, and I hope that I will avoid them till the end;) But I would not be a real woman if I didn't bury and despise: D Well, you have a great reason to do it, and above all, you deserve to pamper yourself. So here's my list of ways how I pamper myself: Nawet jeśli błogosławiony czas dodaje ciążowego blasku i z każdej strony słyszy się jak kwitnąco się wygląda, a poziom energii faktycznie odpowiada dwupakowi...

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