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Thank you from the bottom of my heart

Dzień dobry Kochani! Dzisiejszy post to taki szybki wpis, w którym chciałabym Wam serdecznie podziękować za te wszystkie miłe słowa i życzenia w poście z okazji 3-cich urodzin mojego bloga :) Good morning my Dears! Today's post is a fast and short post in which I would like to thank all of you for kind words and wishes in the post on the occasion of the 3rd birthday of my blog :) Bardzo dziękuję Wam za wypełnienie ankiety, Wasze uwagi i ogrom ciepłych słów zarówno pod postem, jak i w ankiecie czy wiadomościach na Facebooku. Wiele to dla mnie znaczy. Doceniam Wasz poświęcony czas i zaangażowanie, i mogę Was zapewnić, że postaram się wprowadzić zmiany jakie zaznaczyliście w Waszych odpowiedziach,...

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My July favorites

I often show you my favorite cosmetics and fashion discoveries on the blog, but somehow I have never had the chance to tell you about my non-beauty  and non-fashion favorites before . I often show you  them on Instagram and on Insta Stories and there are voices that I should prepare such  summary every month. Maybe thanks to such posts you will discover a new, interesting product that you will also like. In July I discovered a lot of new things and a lot of them inspired me so , I decided to gather them in one post. Just see what magnetised me. Moje ulubione kosmetyki oraz modowe odkrycia często pokazuję Wam na blogu, ale jakoś nigdy wcześniej nie miałam...

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Do you know what phrase connects women around the world? "I have nothing to wear";) You have more and more new clothes in your closet every season but you still have the same problem: what to wear? One way that helps me with this morning dilemma is to prepare  clothes night before. This method saves a lot of my time in the morning and allows me to drink my morning coffee or read a short chapter in the book. Sometimes, however, I have unexpected meeting or I have a problem with choosing clothes for the next day so to avoid leaving home in pajamas or tracksuit, I reach for my save "uniform" -  white blouse and jeans! Depending on accessories...

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