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Little White Dress – Ivon

Little white dress – it’s always in the shadow of its more popular older sister - Little Black Dress. It’s a great alternative to cocktail dresses and it’s perfect solution especially for warm and sunny months. Mała biała – zawsze w cieniu swojej popularnej  starszej siostry –Małej Czarnej.  A to świetna alternatywa dla koktajlowej sukienki. Świetnie sprawdza się zwłaszcza  w cieplejsze i słoneczne miesiące. In my wardrobe, there are more little white dresses than classic black dresses. But I have the impression that white dress is often underestimated by women. It’s a pity, in my opinion, because white dress is perfect for summer and works much better during summer parties, meetings with friends , walks or even to work....

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How to make your work outfit more interesting and fun?

When I started working for corporation  - I actually did an internship while studying, I was young and I admit it took me a long time to create appropriate business attire which at the same time allowed  me to express my personality. Most office  clothes were good for slightly older women, or they were so boring that I could only wear them for a job interview. They weren’t good for morning mirror selfie  on Instagram with #ootd (Aside from the fact, that when I started working Instagram hasn’t existed yet;)). Wearing an office uniform quickly became boring and tiring for me and I wanted to add some touch of smart coolness to my office style. So I decided that to...

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6 tips how to feel and look amazing when you feel far from it

No matter if you had sleepless night because you were reading an interesting book, or you caught a flu or you drank too much and girls' night out ended up costing you a hangover, or maybe you politely went to bed after bedtime story, but there are such mornings when you just feel terrible and you would be perfect hopeless queen.  I don’t know why, but such mornings happen to me when I  want to look great. But I have my ways to look great, even when my reflection in the mirror screams that I should stay under my blanket and eat ice creams and watch my favorite TV series. If you also have such days then trust my tips –...

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Modern Cinderella

I think if Cinderella had ball in 2017 then she would certainly wear crystallized fishnet tights (fishnet tights are available HERE) instead of glass high heels. I think that modern princess wouldn’t choose  long, ballroom dress with tulle and lace but she would choose  something more versatile, or simply little black dress;) I wonder if only fashion trends have changed since Brothers Grimm's Cinderella or the concept of  princess has also evolved ? Would Cinderella still be gentle and fragile young lady today who dutifully carries out the orders or would she be militant feminist who fights for her rights? Myślę, że gdyby Kopciuszek wybierał się na bal w 2017 zamiast szklanych pantofelków, na pewno miałby kabaretki zdobione na całej...

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4 reasons to convert to a minimal wardrobe

I know it may seem strange that someone who is addicted to fashion, beautiful things, clothes, shoes, handbags and cosmetics is writing a post, in which encourage you to convert your wardrobe to more minimalist. What's more, this is not my first post about this. And how does that relate to the fact that I show you a new outfit at least once a week? There's no hypocrisy. I very often catch myself  showing you the same purse or pants for the umpteenth time and I don’t do this because I don’t have any alternative option in my wardrobe or I don’t have an idea for more sophisticated styling. No, nothing like that. I just love versatile and timeless pieces and...

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Hello New Year!

Witajcie  Kochani w Nowym Roku! Mam nadzieję, że bez względu na to jak spędzaliście Sylwestra, to że ten czas był dla Was świetną zabawą. A co najważniejsze, że spędziliście go w wyborowym towarzystwie. Chciałam Wam życzyć wszystkiego o czym marzycie! Aby to co zaplanowaliście na Nowy Rok spełniło się. Dla mnie ubiegły rok był wyjątkowy i pełen życiowych zmian. Ten, 2017, zapowiada się równie przebojowo! Zmiany czekają też mój blog – chciałam nanieść kilka zmian na stronie, a także w samej formule blogowania. Na razie nie chcę zdradzać Wam szczegółów, wszystko w swoim czasie;) Hello my Lovelies in the New Year! I hope that no matter how you spend New Year's Eve, that time was enjoyable for you. And most importantly, that you...

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Date? Definitely yes! Even tonight ;)

When was the last time you went on a date? And this question is not only for  singles. The answer that you are in a relationship for some time is just  an excuse. If you have a long term partner, then he/she is even a better candidate for dating  and the person you need to take care of. A relationship cannot survive on its own. It needs  care and nurturing like garden. Even  undemanding plants like cactuses require watering. Dating is probably the most enjoyable part of relationship  for both you and your partner , but I see among my friends in relationships that dates are rarely practice. Kiedy ostatni raz byliście na randce? I to nie jest pytanie tylko do...

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How important are the people we meet in our life ?

" I met someone. It was an accident, I wasn't looking for it, it wasn't on the make, it was a perfect storm. She said one thing, I said another, next thing I knew, I wanted to spend the rest of my life in the middle of that conversation. Now there's this feeling in my gut she might be the one. " Hank Moody Californication „Poznałem kogoś. To był przypadek., Nie szukałem jej. To było jak burza. Ona powiedziała coś a ja jej odpowiedziałem. Zanim się zorientowałem chciałem, aby ta rozmowa trwała przez resztę mojego życia. Mam to przeczucie, że ona może być tą jedyną”. HankMoody, Californication Every single day we meet some people on our way , we pass them on...

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