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Modern romance

Lubię zimowy klimat, długie wieczory przy kominku z kubkiem gorącej czekolady w ręku. Jednak, gdy dni stają się coraz dłuższe, a śnieg pada już coraz rzadziej i bliżej już do wiosny, powoli zaczynam z tęsknotą wyglądać wiosny. Zamiast narzucać ciepłą czarną puchówkę, coraz częściej spoglądam tęsknym wzrokiem na cieńsze płaszcze, marynarki, pastelowe, jasne kolory...

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My May Favorites (Fabiola handbag, Ivanka Trump sunglasses, Striped dresses from Answear, Tommy Hilfiger espadrilles, Hania Beauty brush soap)

May surprised me (probably not only me;)) with beautiful weather. I didn't expect that during long weekend in May there will be such high temperatures and I didn't believe when next days were also so sunny . I don't hide that I love warmth and summer atmosphere, even in spring, so I was extremely happy and I enjoyed these May days as much as possible enjoyed. When it comes to my favorites - I must admit that I still have some favorite gadgets, cosmetics or pieces of clothing from previous months, but there are some new items. Let's start! Maj zaskoczył mnie (chyba nie tylko mnie;)) przepiękną pogodą. Nie spodziewałam się, że majówka upłynie nam w tak wysokich temperaturach i nie...

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My favorite everyday uniform (and why is worth having your own signature uniform)

I admit that when I think back to my early adulthood, I see my wardrobe full of clothes in every color of the rainbow, in every possible cut and style. Of course, despite the enormous amount of clothes, I had the eternal "I have nothing to wear" problem. I think many of you have a similar problem;) Today, in my wardrobe there are less clothes, colors are more unified, it is also hard to see all possible cuts and it is much easier to choose what to wear. Although, there are days when I stand in front of my wardrobe and I totally have no idea what to wear . However, when it comes to the outfit, which I can...

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My November favorities

This month ran so fast. It is already New Year, and I have not even managed to share my November favorities with you earlier. As usual, among my favorites, there is something fashionable, which I wore around the clock, some accessories, something to read, an interesting fragrance. OK., Let’s we start ! Ten miesiąc uciekł mi w tak szybkim tempie, że już jest Nowy Rok, a ja nie zdążyłam nawet podzielić się z Wami wcześniej moimi ulubieńcami listopada. Jak zwykle wśród moich ulubieńców znalazło się coś modowego, co nosiłam na okrągło, coś z dodatków, coś do poczytania, ciekawy zapach. Nie przedłużając – zaczynamy! 1. Over the knee boots I can’t imagine winter and fall season without over the knee boots. I especially love...

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Fall/Winter 2018 Trends

Although I am not a girl who blindly follow the trends and I usually choose only one or two trends that catch my attention and that are in my style. I like to be up to date and I like to know "what’s in fashion";). That is why every year I go through fashion magazines, watch fashion shows to see current trends. Last autumn, I decided to be  "unfashionable", because not many trends were in my style (I even wrote you about it in THIS post). But this year I am delighted! One of the strongest fashion tendencies is ...

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My September Favorities

Hello! Since I decided to post my favorites of the month, I noticed that these posts are the most visited so it encourages me to continue sharing with you my discoveries. In September, despite the fact that temperatures weren’t the highest, I tried to enjoy last warm days and smuggle as much summer clothes as possible. I usually  try to reach for boots or warm sweaters only when fall is in the air. The fall-winter period often lasts long, so there will be a lot of opportunities to wrap up in warm sweaters and high boots;) So today I am showing you  still a summer set, but its two elements: silk shirt and small handbag I often wore in September and I...

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Summer is here! 8 reasons why life is easier in the summer

Do you also feel that everything comes easier during the summer? From such trivial things like mornings, which in the summer are not as heavy as winter, more beautiful skin, and ending on healthy diet. It's true that the cooler seasons also have their charm, but for me summer is the best !! Below you can find some of my reasons why life is easier in the summer: Czy Wy także  macie wrażenie, że latem wszystko przychodzi łatwiej? Poczynając od tak błahych rzeczy jak poranki, które latem wcale nie są tak ciężkie jak zimą, przez piękniejszą  skórę, a na zdrowszej diecie kończąc. To prawda, że chłodniejsze pory roku też mają swoje uroki, ale dla mnie lato rządzi! Kilka moich powodów dlaczego uważam, że...

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What to Wear When You Have Nothing to Wear

I proudly admit that I rarely say: I have nothing to wear. Interesting is the fact that it coincided in time with the situation when I had a big wardrobe clear – out and I got rid of a ton of clothes. But from time to time I suffer from lack of creativity when it comes to clothes and what to wear. And  then I always choose  comfortable ,knit dresses. This is my must have for each season. I love the fact that such knit dresses don’t hinder my movements, and like no other outfit they  emphasize female figure, and they are easy to styling. I also give them a huge plus for being so universal. They look great in...

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5 reasons why it’s not worth worrying about the future

During  recent workshop at my work I was asked about my fears. When I started to think about it, I realized that I worry about the future the most.  My thoughts revolve around it and I mostly focus my activities on this topic. Why is not worth focusing on the past, I wrote you HERE and HERE. Not only focusing on the past, but also thinking too much about the future is very destructive. Just like visualizing your goals, visualizing your worries lead you to what you imagine. Of course, setting future goals requires a look into the future and anticipation, and you need to take up a challenge and take a risk ( it causes worries ), but when...

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Past, present, future…

Today, I found my forgotten photos on my computer disk that I took at the beginning of last fall, but there was no time to share them with you. I thought that I keep moving forward, I do something new all the time so what’s the point of hoary old chestnut? I’ve even recently written text on my blog to live here and now. Odgrzebałam dzisiaj na dysku zapomniane zdjęcia, które wykonałam jeszcze na początku minionej jesieni i nie było czasu żeby się nimi z Wami podzielić. Tak sobie wtedy pomyślałam o tym, że idę cały czas do przodu, tworze ciągle coś nowego i czy w ogóle jest sens „odgrzewać jakieś stare kotlety”? Przecież nawet sama niedawno pisałam tekst o tym,...

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