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The only 5 Easy Style Rules For 2017 (and for the rest of your life;))

When I started blogging I thought that it will enrich my style and I will be more creative and open to new trends. And yes, my creativity has greatly increased,I’m also open to new trends, but in a completely different perspective than I expected. I thought that thanks to presenting various outfits my style will be more diverse and interesting. At present, I think my style has evolved but in a completely different direction. Thanks to various sets, which I showed you on my blog, I learned which cuts flatter me, and I developed a simple system thanks to which I "don’t err" (or it rarely happens to me;)). Of course, I haven’t  achieved the goal yet, it’s a long...

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4 reasons to convert to a minimal wardrobe

I know it may seem strange that someone who is addicted to fashion, beautiful things, clothes, shoes, handbags and cosmetics is writing a post, in which encourage you to convert your wardrobe to more minimalist. What's more, this is not my first post about this. And how does that relate to the fact that I show you a new outfit at least once a week? There's no hypocrisy. I very often catch myself  showing you the same purse or pants for the umpteenth time and I don’t do this because I don’t have any alternative option in my wardrobe or I don’t have an idea for more sophisticated styling. No, nothing like that. I just love versatile and timeless pieces and...

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Nonchalance – breaking the rules with style

Nonchalance - apparent carelessness, which gives you the impression that you do things without any effort. In Italian - sprezzatura - general term referring to areas such as art, music, fashion. It means freedom, naturalness, nonchalance. Simply - consciously breaking with generally accepted rules. As a result, the whole outfit looks very light, easy and natural. Nonszalancja – pozorna niedbałość, która ma na celu wywołanie wrażenia, że robi się coś bez najmniejszego wysiłku. Po włosku sprezzatura – bardzo szeroki termin odnoszący się do takich dziedzin jak sztuka, muzyka, moda. Oznacza swobodę, naturalność, nonszalancję. Mówiąc prosto – to świadome łamanie ogólnie przyjętych zasad. W efekcie całość prezentuje się niezwykle swobodnie, lekko i naturalnie. I really appreciate classic elegance and I feel good in...

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9 Powerful Affirmations We Should Say to Ourselves This Year

Hi :) One of the most common New Year's resolutions is a healthy lifestyle and regular exercises. Our brain is like muscles, and like any muscle in the human body it needs exercises to gain strength. And like in case of  body - exercises must be regular. Positive affirmations, is one of the easiest and the most effective tools that we can use for this purpose. Filling your mind with positive affirmations works like fuel in a car. From time to time, I post a few of my favourite quotes on my blog, I like "feeding" my mind with such positive sentences. I have recently come across a great, inspiring book -  "1000+ Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently" (Marc...

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Every season has its special beauty…Burgundy total look.

Every season has its special beauty and fall is no exception. Watching the trees turn from a uniform green to all varieties of gold, yellow and red is a spectacular experience. It's as we woke up in a different place every week, because the view outside the window is constantly changing. Każda pora roku ma swoje unikalne piękno i jesień nie stanowi wyjątku. Obserwowanie jak drzewa zmieniają swoje zielone odzienie, na wszelkie odcienie złota, żółtego, czerwonego to niesamowite przeżycie. To tak jakbyśmy co tydzień budzili się w innym miejscu, bo widok za oknem ciągle się zmienia. How can it be that all this beauty is sign of death and decay? With all this beauty there is a certain sadness in knowing...

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Date? Definitely yes! Even tonight ;)

When was the last time you went on a date? And this question is not only for  singles. The answer that you are in a relationship for some time is just  an excuse. If you have a long term partner, then he/she is even a better candidate for dating  and the person you need to take care of. A relationship cannot survive on its own. It needs  care and nurturing like garden. Even  undemanding plants like cactuses require watering. Dating is probably the most enjoyable part of relationship  for both you and your partner , but I see among my friends in relationships that dates are rarely practice. Kiedy ostatni raz byliście na randce? I to nie jest pytanie tylko do...

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How important are the people we meet in our life ?

" I met someone. It was an accident, I wasn't looking for it, it wasn't on the make, it was a perfect storm. She said one thing, I said another, next thing I knew, I wanted to spend the rest of my life in the middle of that conversation. Now there's this feeling in my gut she might be the one. " Hank Moody Californication „Poznałem kogoś. To był przypadek., Nie szukałem jej. To było jak burza. Ona powiedziała coś a ja jej odpowiedziałem. Zanim się zorientowałem chciałem, aby ta rozmowa trwała przez resztę mojego życia. Mam to przeczucie, że ona może być tą jedyną”. HankMoody, Californication Every single day we meet some people on our way , we pass them on...

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My favorite motivational quotes

I posted my 10 favourite motivational quotes on my blog some time ago CLICK. The post was really popular and because I‘ve recently run into a quote, which motivated me a lot, I decided to share it with you. I also wrote down few more thoughts, which are close to my heart. Jakiś czas temu opublikowałam na blogu moich 10 ulubionych motywacyjnych cytatów KLIK. Post ten cieszył się dużą popularnością, a ponieważ ostatnio wpadłam na jeden cytat, który dał mi niezłego kopa, postanowiłam podzielić się  nim z Wami. Przy okazji spisałam jeszcze kilka innych myśli, które także są mi bliskie. “You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.” ― Les Brown I think...

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