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La vie en rose

Am  I  going to tell you the recipe for a bed of roses in my today’s post? Unfortunately I have to disappoint you;) Of course I know some psychological tricks that make life easier, but today I’m going to focus on flowers. Czy w dzisiejszym poście zdradzę Wam przepis na życie usłane różami? Niestety, muszę Was rozczarować;) Na pewno znam kilka psychologicznych sztuczek, które ułatwiają życie, ale dziś skupię się na kwiatach. Is there anyone who doesn’t like flowers? I can’t decide what type of flowers I like the most, because so many of them are incredible. Lilies seduce me with their scent, hydrangeas and peonies with their delicateness, orchids are noble and perfect, sunflowers are so optimistic, lilies of the valley and daisies are innocent .Gerard de Nerval ( who...

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How to wear paisley pattern?

Paisley is a pattern from Persia or India. It is wrongly called Turkish. In the most minimalistic version it presents characteristic teardrop shape  and  in more decorative version this pattern looks very impressive,  it is very ornamental and ornate. Characteristic teardrops are printed on the  fabric. It’s hard to say what exactly  this pattern shows – some people say that it’s a  mango fruit, others that a stone. In Poland, sometimes it is called "kidney". This motif has been interpreted in many various ways :  twisted teardrop shape, or form known as almond shape. Sometimes it is called "Persian pickles" or "Welsh pears". In the Baltic states in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries people thought that paisley shawls can protect them against demons. Now paisley pattern can be  seen...

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Reasons to love summer

  During the last weekend, I realized that I love summer very ,very much! I feel happy during this period, I have a lot of energy and I work with double force. Today's makeover is simple and "modest" because I'm just wearing a bikini. My bikini is from the shop SWIMIS. If you still haven’t found the perfect bikini - check HERE. Podczas ostatniego weekendu uświadomiłam sobie, że tak bardzo, bardzo kocham lato, czuję się w tym okresie szczęśliwa, mam mnóstwo energii i działam ze zdwojona mocą. Dzisiejsza stylizacja jest prosta i „skromna”, bo mam na sobie zaledwie bikini. Moje pochodzi ze sklepu SWIMIS. Jeśli jeszcze nie znaleźliście idealnego bikini – sprawdźcie TUTAJ.  Mam dla Was niespodziankę - po wpisaniu kodu EVE10LINE otrzymacie 10% rabat na ten i inne stroje. Kupon łączy...

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Floral dress

Floral patterns rule this spring / summer catwalks, shop windows and blogosphere. It’s second trend after boho to which I pay the most attention. I see flowers everywhere - on blouses, dresses, trousers, and even bags or shoes. On my blog patterns or prints appear very rarely, but flower patterns I have showed you already HERE and HERE. I admit I like this trend. Flowers are colourful, fresh and of course beautiful like we … women :)  . Kwiatowe motywy rządzą w tegorocznym sezonie wiosna/lato na wybiegach, sklepowych wystawach i blogosferze. To drugi, po boho, najcześciej zauważany przeze mnie trend. Kwiaty widzę dosłownie wszędzie – na bluzkach, sukienkach, spodniach, a nawet torbach czy butach. Rzadko na moim blogu pojawiają się wzory lub nadruki, ale kwiaty pokazywałam Wam już TU i TU. Przyznaję, że lubię ten trend. Kwiaty...

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How to wear a maxi dress

Maxi dresses and  maxi skirts were trying  to steal my heart last year, but I decided to buy only one romantic floral dress. This year love has come back to life and I’m 100% sure that it won’t end up with just one piece of clothing.  In the queue there is already waiting another maxi skirt, which I would like to show you. And it is just the beginning of the summer season! Mysterious, ethereal, feminine - all these words perfectly describe long dresses. And there is one more word -  sexy. As we know, men like to imagine what  women  hide under their clothes. Long dresses don’t expose the body, and yet, awaken curiosity. So girls .. if you want to check the effect, don’t hesitate...

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