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Perfectionism – how to overcome it ?

"My biggest weakness? Oh, I'm a perfectionist - I put a lot of effort into refining every little detail. It can be disadvantage at work ". Do you know, it's one of the most common answers on “What are your weaknesses?" question in a job interview. This is the advantage remoulded into a disadvantage. It always sounds better than admitting that you are inaccurate, late-comer or lazy! If you say that in a job interview because it's a "good answer" then it’s not so bad. Worse, if you are a perfectionist. It makes my life a misery. Especially since I’ve started leading the blog. I couldn’t publish a post because I was focused on each detail , I wanted  button...

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Do something different!

One day a friend of mine asked her mother: "Mom, why do you always trim both sides of ham, while cooking?  ?” Surprised mother shrugged and said: "Well .. actually, I don’t know, my grandmother always used to do it." When they had a chance women asked elder lady why for generations in their homes they trim both sides of meat, while cooking? Does it make meat more juicy, crispy? Or maybe it adds more flavor to the dish? The eldest woman just smiled and said: "Well, when me and your grandfather got married, we didn’t have a large roasting tin and  the meat didn’t fit in ...

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6 Style Tips On How To Wear Blanket Scarves

Scarves and blanket scarves started to show up in the shops in early autumn. Blanket scarf is simply a giant version of a scarf ,which is so big that can be used as a blanket. They’re warm, cosy, comfortable and wonderful, and it’s one of my favourite trends of the fall and winter season this year. I already have several of them, and I love using them as shawls, makeshift ponchos and capes, and yes, even a blankets. But despite how versatile they are, blanket scarves can be a real style challenge. How  should  you wear so much fabric ? and how to wrap blanket scarf around your neck? If you are looking for some ideas on how to wear the...

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La vie en rose

Am  I  going to tell you the recipe for a bed of roses in my today’s post? Unfortunately I have to disappoint you;) Of course I know some psychological tricks that make life easier, but today I’m going to focus on flowers. Czy w dzisiejszym poście zdradzę Wam przepis na życie usłane różami? Niestety, muszę Was rozczarować;) Na pewno znam kilka psychologicznych sztuczek, które ułatwiają życie, ale dziś skupię się na kwiatach. Is there anyone who doesn’t like flowers? I can’t decide what type of flowers I like the most, because so many of them are incredible. Lilies seduce me with their scent, hydrangeas and peonies with their delicateness, orchids are noble and perfect, sunflowers are so optimistic, lilies of the valley and daisies are innocent .Gerard de Nerval ( who...

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How to wear paisley pattern?

Paisley is a pattern from Persia or India. It is wrongly called Turkish. In the most minimalistic version it presents characteristic teardrop shape  and  in more decorative version this pattern looks very impressive,  it is very ornamental and ornate. Characteristic teardrops are printed on the  fabric. It’s hard to say what exactly  this pattern shows – some people say that it’s a  mango fruit, others that a stone. In Poland, sometimes it is called "kidney". This motif has been interpreted in many various ways :  twisted teardrop shape, or form known as almond shape. Sometimes it is called "Persian pickles" or "Welsh pears". In the Baltic states in the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries people thought that paisley shawls can protect them against demons. Now paisley pattern can be  seen...

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