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Have your cake and eat it too . How to be a better decision maker.

Have your cake and eat it too - we all know that it isn’t possible. You have to make a decision.  Many decisions are trivia like choosing a blouse, meal from the menu or movie you want to watch with your loved one in the evening. But there are also difficult decisions, which affect your life. With thrill, I discovered that although I’m determined person and I usually know what I want, sometimes I have difficulty making decisions. Sometimes, I postpone decisions for really long because I want to analyze, compare them and I guess I’m picking holes in it. Recently I wanted to choose  face cream and a bag, and my doubts were endless. I spent hours reading reviews. It...

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Nonchalance – breaking the rules with style

Nonchalance - apparent carelessness, which gives you the impression that you do things without any effort. In Italian - sprezzatura - general term referring to areas such as art, music, fashion. It means freedom, naturalness, nonchalance. Simply - consciously breaking with generally accepted rules. As a result, the whole outfit looks very light, easy and natural. Nonszalancja – pozorna niedbałość, która ma na celu wywołanie wrażenia, że robi się coś bez najmniejszego wysiłku. Po włosku sprezzatura – bardzo szeroki termin odnoszący się do takich dziedzin jak sztuka, muzyka, moda. Oznacza swobodę, naturalność, nonszalancję. Mówiąc prosto – to świadome łamanie ogólnie przyjętych zasad. W efekcie całość prezentuje się niezwykle swobodnie, lekko i naturalnie. I really appreciate classic elegance and I feel good in...

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9 Powerful Affirmations We Should Say to Ourselves This Year

Hi :) One of the most common New Year's resolutions is a healthy lifestyle and regular exercises. Our brain is like muscles, and like any muscle in the human body it needs exercises to gain strength. And like in case of  body - exercises must be regular. Positive affirmations, is one of the easiest and the most effective tools that we can use for this purpose. Filling your mind with positive affirmations works like fuel in a car. From time to time, I post a few of my favourite quotes on my blog, I like "feeding" my mind with such positive sentences. I have recently come across a great, inspiring book -  "1000+ Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently" (Marc...

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Every season has its special beauty…Burgundy total look.

Every season has its special beauty and fall is no exception. Watching the trees turn from a uniform green to all varieties of gold, yellow and red is a spectacular experience. It's as we woke up in a different place every week, because the view outside the window is constantly changing. Każda pora roku ma swoje unikalne piękno i jesień nie stanowi wyjątku. Obserwowanie jak drzewa zmieniają swoje zielone odzienie, na wszelkie odcienie złota, żółtego, czerwonego to niesamowite przeżycie. To tak jakbyśmy co tydzień budzili się w innym miejscu, bo widok za oknem ciągle się zmienia. How can it be that all this beauty is sign of death and decay? With all this beauty there is a certain sadness in knowing...

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9 Quotes That Will Kick Some Inspiration Back Into Your Life

Fall is a time when many of us feel tired, weak, discouraged or you even have  seasonal depression. No wonder - autumn days are short, there is lack of sunshine, and low temperatures and rain don’t energize us. Unfortunately, even that I tried many different defensive strategies, fall melancholy and fall of activity set in . If it takes a day or two, then I allow myself to such lazy days. But in the long run, it’s impossible in my lifestyle. That's why I used one of my ways to change it – inspiring stories of others . I think it’s a good idea so I decided to share some motivational quotes with you. Maybe they will help someone, like...

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Chokers ! – Fall must-have accessory

Is there anyone who hasn’t heard  about chokers yet? Well, maybe if you're a guy and when you hear the word “choker” then you see  “hoker” - high bar stool;) I'm not a fashion victim. It’s a fact that I love fashion, a lot of new trends tempt me, but sometimes I need more time to familiarize myself with some trends. If pastel coats are one of winter's top trends -  I immediately say : yes! I admit that I didn’t like chokers at all at the beginning . I associated  them with fashion trends of the 90's: satin ribbon tied tightly round the neck …a little bit gothic or tattoo style. It is not my style at all. I...

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Would you still like me if I had nothing ?

Today's bad weather, rain,  runny nose and bad cough are the reasons why I decided to stay at home under warm blanket and drink tea with honey and grandma’s  raspberry juice  and  take medicines which I have at home.In the worst case I will wrap up in down jacket and crawl to the doctor. This vision motivated me to take one more sip of hot tea, because it reminded me of the situation which I had last year. Dzisiejsza plucha, deszcz siąpiący od samego rana, podobnie jak katar z mojego nosa i coraz dłuższe ataki kaszlu sprawiły, że zaczęłam rozważać pozostanie w domu pod ciepłym kocem i wlewanie w siebie na zmianę słodkiej jak ulepek herbaty doprawionej miodem i babcinym sokiem...

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My favorite motivational quotes

I posted my 10 favourite motivational quotes on my blog some time ago CLICK. The post was really popular and because I‘ve recently run into a quote, which motivated me a lot, I decided to share it with you. I also wrote down few more thoughts, which are close to my heart. Jakiś czas temu opublikowałam na blogu moich 10 ulubionych motywacyjnych cytatów KLIK. Post ten cieszył się dużą popularnością, a ponieważ ostatnio wpadłam na jeden cytat, który dał mi niezłego kopa, postanowiłam podzielić się  nim z Wami. Przy okazji spisałam jeszcze kilka innych myśli, które także są mi bliskie. “You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.” ― Les Brown I think...

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