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Bye bye summer

"I love this floral pattern" – These words came to my mind when I was looking at the dress made of delicate silk fabric. Well, I had a chance to wear it only once this year. Unfortunately, summer ended too quickly for me. I’m sad that I had to put off this summer dress on a pile of thin clothes and I started to sort the rest of my wardrobe. Uwielbiam ten kwiatowy wzór – pomyślałam przyglądając się delikatnej jedwabnej tkaninie z której wykonana była sukienka. Hm, w tym roku miałam ją na sobie tylko jeden raz. Niestety lato skończyło się dla mnie zbyt szybko. Z żalem odłożyłam letnią sukienkę na stertę cienkich ubrań i zabrałam się za sortowanie reszty garderoby. I delayed the moment of packing away...

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Little bit of nonchalance

To tell you the truth, I have never shared a principle that fashion is what we wear, a particular clothing, brand, but rather the way how we wear or combine clothes. Probably that’s the reason why I saw in Paris so many fashionable women although that they didn’t follow the latest fashion trends . In my opinion of course. Besides, Paris is famous for its everlasting style and unforced chic: coats thrown over the shoulder, big black sunglasses, white shirts that look like from male’s wardrobe.  Prawdę mówiąc nigdy wyznawałam zasady, że modne jest to co nosimy, konkretny ciuch, dana marka, a raczej sposób w który nosimy czy łączymy ubrania. Pewnie dlatego będąc w Paryżu stale widziałam kobiety, które wyglądały moim zdaniem na bardzo modne, mimo iż nie miały na sobie...

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My cosy autumn essentials

In my last post I wrote you about how to stop summer as long as possible, but everything looks like we don’t have a choice and we really have to accept the fact that autumn is coming with its long evenings which  we can turn from cloudy and cold into delightful ,cosy and magical.To create a cosy atmosphere we will certainly need a few gadgets ...

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Fuchsia flounce

With autumn just around the corner, autumn makeovers are already emerging on blogs,but you know me and you know that I want to stop summer as long as possible. My today's set is in intense fuchsia colour and I admit I love each individual part of this set. This eye- catching , flounce, dress has at least 5 years, but it still “saves” me pretty well on hot days when I want to look impressive but at the same time,I  also care about comfortable and airy outfit. Pink colour of this dress and its interesting cut are more than enough,so I gave up on adding other colours. Minimalism in accessories shouldn’t surprise anybody - I decided to wear flat sandals also in a pink colour and two beautiful...

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Trend alert! Red color

Przeglądając zdjęcia z pokazów kolekcji na jesień i zimę łatwo zauważyć, że krwista, intensywna, soczysta czerwień gościła na wybiegach zdecydowanie częściej niż jakikolwiek inny kolor. Projektanci proponują nam czerwień w różnej formie - czerwone płaszcze, eleganckie sukienki lub szpilki, a także czerwony total look. Ja zdecydowałam się zacząć od czerwonej torebki i przemyciłam ją do mojego jeszcze letniego zestawu. When viewing photos from the fashion shows for autumn and winter collections is easy to see that bloody, intense, juicy red played host on the catwalks much more often than any other color. Designers offer us red in various forms - red coats, elegant dresses or pumps, as well as red total look. I decided to start with the red bags and smuggle it to my yet summer outfit. szorty/ shorts Reserved żakiet/jacket Mexx t-shirt/...

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Colours of Santorini

When I choose the colour of  bed sheets to my bedroom or when I choose clothing colours that go well together or when I wonder which crayon to use when I  want to paint something ( for example new styling ;) ), I always have a view of nature images right before my eyes – brown ginger panther with black spots, white- lemon butterfly, bright white sand of exotic beaches contrasts strikingly with azure water or ...

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