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One thing that can change everything

You all know the fact that the devil is in the details. But I have the impression that we sometimes forget about it and we don’t really believe that it is true. "These are only insignificant details" - we think. To, że diabeł tkwi w szczegółach wiemy wszyscy. Mam jednak wrażenie, że czasami zapominamy o tym i nie do końca wierzymy, że jest tak naprawdę. „To tylko nieistotne szczegóły” – myślimy. And I don’t mean that changing one piece of clothing can totally change the look ( but actually  such situation is in case of my today’s outfit), but even discrete behavioral changes can be received in a completely different way. How? Imagine that you are doing shopping and you hear from...

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Fall/Winter 2018 Trends

Although I am not a girl who blindly follow the trends and I usually choose only one or two trends that catch my attention and that are in my style. I like to be up to date and I like to know "what’s in fashion";). That is why every year I go through fashion magazines, watch fashion shows to see current trends. Last autumn, I decided to be  "unfashionable", because not many trends were in my style (I even wrote you about it in THIS post). But this year I am delighted! One of the strongest fashion tendencies is ...

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6 tips how to feel and look amazing when you feel far from it

No matter if you had sleepless night because you were reading an interesting book, or you caught a flu or you drank too much and girls' night out ended up costing you a hangover, or maybe you politely went to bed after bedtime story, but there are such mornings when you just feel terrible and you would be perfect hopeless queen.  I don’t know why, but such mornings happen to me when I  want to look great. But I have my ways to look great, even when my reflection in the mirror screams that I should stay under my blanket and eat ice creams and watch my favorite TV series. If you also have such days then trust my tips –...

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The only 5 Easy Style Rules For 2017 (and for the rest of your life;))

When I started blogging I thought that it will enrich my style and I will be more creative and open to new trends. And yes, my creativity has greatly increased,I’m also open to new trends, but in a completely different perspective than I expected. I thought that thanks to presenting various outfits my style will be more diverse and interesting. At present, I think my style has evolved but in a completely different direction. Thanks to various sets, which I showed you on my blog, I learned which cuts flatter me, and I developed a simple system thanks to which I "don’t err" (or it rarely happens to me;)). Of course, I haven’t  achieved the goal yet, it’s a long...

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9 Quotes That Will Kick Some Inspiration Back Into Your Life

Fall is a time when many of us feel tired, weak, discouraged or you even have  seasonal depression. No wonder - autumn days are short, there is lack of sunshine, and low temperatures and rain don’t energize us. Unfortunately, even that I tried many different defensive strategies, fall melancholy and fall of activity set in . If it takes a day or two, then I allow myself to such lazy days. But in the long run, it’s impossible in my lifestyle. That's why I used one of my ways to change it – inspiring stories of others . I think it’s a good idea so I decided to share some motivational quotes with you. Maybe they will help someone, like...

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Date? Definitely yes! Even tonight ;)

When was the last time you went on a date? And this question is not only for  singles. The answer that you are in a relationship for some time is just  an excuse. If you have a long term partner, then he/she is even a better candidate for dating  and the person you need to take care of. A relationship cannot survive on its own. It needs  care and nurturing like garden. Even  undemanding plants like cactuses require watering. Dating is probably the most enjoyable part of relationship  for both you and your partner , but I see among my friends in relationships that dates are rarely practice. Kiedy ostatni raz byliście na randce? I to nie jest pytanie tylko do...

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My favorite motivational quotes

I posted my 10 favourite motivational quotes on my blog some time ago CLICK. The post was really popular and because I‘ve recently run into a quote, which motivated me a lot, I decided to share it with you. I also wrote down few more thoughts, which are close to my heart. Jakiś czas temu opublikowałam na blogu moich 10 ulubionych motywacyjnych cytatów KLIK. Post ten cieszył się dużą popularnością, a ponieważ ostatnio wpadłam na jeden cytat, który dał mi niezłego kopa, postanowiłam podzielić się  nim z Wami. Przy okazji spisałam jeszcze kilka innych myśli, które także są mi bliskie. “You don't have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.” ― Les Brown I think...

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Why Gray? Beacause my ideas are colorful.

Gray again . Not that I’m a mouseburger, or that  I’m afraid of  wearing bold colors and flashy patterns. No, it’s not like that. Sometimes I reach for such "extravagances" and you could see that on my blog many times ;).  I simply like gray color. Not because it’s dull. It’s because gray is multidimensional. And I think gray has more than 50 shades ;) Znowu szary. Nie to żebym była jakąś szarą myszką, czy żebym bała się nosić odważne kolory czy krzykliwe wzory. Nie, to nie tak. Czasami sięgam po takie „ekstrawagancje” i nie raz mogliście zobaczyć to na moim blogu;) Ja po prostu lubię szarość. Nie dlatego, że jest nijaka. Dlatego właśnie, że jest tak wielowymiarowa. I myślę,...

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