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Normality, please don’t go.

By running a fashion blog, you feel the pressure of being fashionable. Ok, maybe pressure is not a right word. I like to be trendy, I always liked. But the pressure is on being trendy, not even know all the trends, but not to be hypocrite and  wear them. Well, how to write about fur flip flops  and combining polka dots with flowers and metallic belt and at the same time choose  simple jeans and white t-shirt or black uniform. They say : the shoemaker’s children are ill-shod;) And such is my today’s outfit, because it's hard to call it  styling. It is boring  and totally "not fashionable", but it is 200% me – I ‘m normal, boring, predictable and...

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6 tips how to feel and look amazing when you feel far from it

No matter if you had sleepless night because you were reading an interesting book, or you caught a flu or you drank too much and girls' night out ended up costing you a hangover, or maybe you politely went to bed after bedtime story, but there are such mornings when you just feel terrible and you would be perfect hopeless queen.  I don’t know why, but such mornings happen to me when I  want to look great. But I have my ways to look great, even when my reflection in the mirror screams that I should stay under my blanket and eat ice creams and watch my favorite TV series. If you also have such days then trust my tips –...

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Pastel fairytale + my first youtube video :)

american outlet

Hello my Dears, I’ve been extremely busy lately and my posts are not fully prepared. My head is full of ideas and there are a lot of ongoing projects. In fact, I have already planned posts  for next year ,but they are not prepared down to the last detail because of a lack of time. My perfectionist nature doesn’t allow me to do it "anyhow". So today, my post is without text, but with unique photos that were taken by Michał CLICK. They are absolutely stunning !. ( Psst… don’t tell anyone but I think Michał is a wizard because it’s impossible to take such pictures without magic ;) ) Do you like them? P.S. We also shot a short film. Are you...

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9 Quotes That Will Kick Some Inspiration Back Into Your Life

Fall is a time when many of us feel tired, weak, discouraged or you even have  seasonal depression. No wonder - autumn days are short, there is lack of sunshine, and low temperatures and rain don’t energize us. Unfortunately, even that I tried many different defensive strategies, fall melancholy and fall of activity set in . If it takes a day or two, then I allow myself to such lazy days. But in the long run, it’s impossible in my lifestyle. That's why I used one of my ways to change it – inspiring stories of others . I think it’s a good idea so I decided to share some motivational quotes with you. Maybe they will help someone, like...

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Karma. What goes around comes around

When I was a child I read fairy tales where good fights evil, and I believed that, just as in  fairy tales where good princess wins the prince, castle and the sympathy of the people, just as in life - good people will be rewarded.  Bad people shared the same or similar fate as villains from fairy tales - loneliness, ugliness or eternal suffering. So when my teenage neighbour maliciously stubbed out his cigarette on my knee, I was so embittered by his vice, that I wished him all the worst. Of course, I was hoping that he will experience terrible  tragedy similar to mine, you know,  he will smash his bike, his favourite teddy will lose an eye (I...

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