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Nonchalance – breaking the rules with style

Nonchalance - apparent carelessness, which gives you the impression that you do things without any effort. In Italian - sprezzatura - general term referring to areas such as art, music, fashion. It means freedom, naturalness, nonchalance. Simply - consciously breaking with generally accepted rules. As a result, the whole outfit looks very light, easy and natural. Nonszalancja – pozorna niedbałość, która ma na celu wywołanie wrażenia, że robi się coś bez najmniejszego wysiłku. Po włosku sprezzatura – bardzo szeroki termin odnoszący się do takich dziedzin jak sztuka, muzyka, moda. Oznacza swobodę, naturalność, nonszalancję. Mówiąc prosto – to świadome łamanie ogólnie przyjętych zasad. W efekcie całość prezentuje się niezwykle swobodnie, lekko i naturalnie. I really appreciate classic elegance and I feel good in...

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9 Powerful Affirmations We Should Say to Ourselves This Year

Hi :) One of the most common New Year's resolutions is a healthy lifestyle and regular exercises. Our brain is like muscles, and like any muscle in the human body it needs exercises to gain strength. And like in case of  body - exercises must be regular. Positive affirmations, is one of the easiest and the most effective tools that we can use for this purpose. Filling your mind with positive affirmations works like fuel in a car. From time to time, I post a few of my favourite quotes on my blog, I like "feeding" my mind with such positive sentences. I have recently come across a great, inspiring book -  "1000+ Little Things Happy, Successful People Do Differently" (Marc...

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Figurativeness. Uncovered shoulders

Off-the-shoulder blouses, dresses, sweaters is a trend which survived last summer. Autumn and winter was full of off-the-shoulder sweaters and dresses and apparently they will appear this spring as well. Anyway, bare shoulders are nothing new in fashion, this type of cuts have already appeared in the eighteenth century. Bluzki, sukienki, swetry z odkrytymi ramionami to  trend, który przetrwał ubiegłe lato, widoczny  był jesienią i zimą na swetrach i sukienkach opuszczanych na ramiona i najwyraźniej tej wiosny także z nami pozostanie.  Zresztą, odkryte ramiona nie są niczym nowym w modzie, tego typu fasony pojawiały się już w XVIII wieku. sukienka odsłaniająca ramiona / dress TU koszula jeansowa/ jeans shirt Wrangler (z szafy narzeczonego;)) TU czapka/ cap KAMEA trampki/ sneakers Converse TU torebka/bag Michael Kors TU naszyjnik...

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Trend alert: shine bright like a diamond

When in fashion everything is possible I don’t know if we can even talk about "trends" nowadays. Today , almost everything is fashionable, even trends, which are theoretically contradictory. Wide leg trousers have conquered the catwalks , but skinny jeans are still fashionable. Colors of the season are delicate pastels: pink and blue, but on the other hand, outfits in darker, more saturated colors ,which look like taken out from your grandmother’s wardrobe or total black look are also fashionable. One of the strongest trends on the catwalks of  for example: Balmain, Esteban Cortazar or even Isabel Marant (who likes boho style) is  shine on. Nie wiem czy w obecnych czasach, kiedy w modzie wszystkie chwyty są dozwolone możemy w ogóle...

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