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Modern romance

Lubię zimowy klimat, długie wieczory przy kominku z kubkiem gorącej czekolady w ręku. Jednak, gdy dni stają się coraz dłuższe, a śnieg pada już coraz rzadziej i bliżej już do wiosny, powoli zaczynam z tęsknotą wyglądać wiosny. Zamiast narzucać ciepłą czarną puchówkę, coraz częściej spoglądam tęsknym wzrokiem na cieńsze płaszcze, marynarki, pastelowe, jasne kolory...

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Top 7 Fall 2017 Shoe Trends

Wszystkie dobrze wiemy, że butów nigdy za wiele :D W tym sezonie w modzie jednym z trendów jest klasyka  i bazowe ubrania, ale jeśli chodzi o buty, to projektanci w nowym sezonie namawiają nas na ekstrawagancję. Do szpilek i botków dodano sztuczne futerko, perły i biżuteryjne klamry. Kozaki według domów mody powinny sięgać (przynajmniej!) do połowy uda.  Na szczęście znajdzie się też coś dla fanów klasyki – nadal lansowane jest obuwie nude. Jak zwykle mamy możliwość przebierania w trendach, więc przedstawię Wam krótki przewodnik po najbardziej wybijających się trendach. Kozaki za kolano KLIK Im wyższe, tym lepsze. Im bliżej nogi, tym lepiej. Im większy szpic, tym jeszcze lepiej. Kozaki sięgające tuż za kolano królują od wielu sezonów. W tym roku projektanci poszli...

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4 reasons to convert to a minimal wardrobe

I know it may seem strange that someone who is addicted to fashion, beautiful things, clothes, shoes, handbags and cosmetics is writing a post, in which encourage you to convert your wardrobe to more minimalist. What's more, this is not my first post about this. And how does that relate to the fact that I show you a new outfit at least once a week? There's no hypocrisy. I very often catch myself  showing you the same purse or pants for the umpteenth time and I don’t do this because I don’t have any alternative option in my wardrobe or I don’t have an idea for more sophisticated styling. No, nothing like that. I just love versatile and timeless pieces and...

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Date? Definitely yes! Even tonight ;)

When was the last time you went on a date? And this question is not only for  singles. The answer that you are in a relationship for some time is just  an excuse. If you have a long term partner, then he/she is even a better candidate for dating  and the person you need to take care of. A relationship cannot survive on its own. It needs  care and nurturing like garden. Even  undemanding plants like cactuses require watering. Dating is probably the most enjoyable part of relationship  for both you and your partner , but I see among my friends in relationships that dates are rarely practice. Kiedy ostatni raz byliście na randce? I to nie jest pytanie tylko do...

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Serenity, snorkel blue, navy blue or …just blue

If you like shades of blue, then fashion trends are simply created for you this year. We can see blue color everywhere: from Blue Serenity which was announced one of the colors of this year by Pantone Color Institute  (I’ve  prepared a separate post about it ), by frequently appearing shades of saturated blue in 2016 collections and finally, dark and  dull, almost black blue colors. Blue colors were in elegant and classical versions on the runaways,  but for sure also will look good in sports stylings or in a very popular this season retro style: Granny chic or geek chic. sukienka/ dress Atelier Edith płaszcz/ coat BE by Bison Eveline kozaki/overknee boots Monashe torebka/bag Paulina Schaedel kolczyki/ earrings YouBiżu Jeśli lubisz odcienie niebieskiego, to...

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Get ready with me – in a rush

I don’t complain about  lack of organizational skills; I think I'm really well organized person. But there are days when time goes faster. Especially in the morning. And I don’t mean those lazy mornings when I stay under a blanket with a good book, cup of coffee with frothed milk and delicious croissant. No, I'm talking about those mornings when I’m woken by the awful shrill twang of my alarm clock, I have 20 minutes to go out, no idea what to wear, and my hair lives its own life. Sounds familiar? How to deal with it? Run in a panic from one hanger to another, try blouses on the top of one another and after that your wardrobe is...

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How to wear oversized clothes?

When the oversized trend has begun I couldn’t imagine myself wearing something so big that looks like from the older sister's wardrobe. Probably because when I was a  child (when unfortunately the oversized trend hasn’t ruled the catwalks yet ) I had a problem with clothes because a lot of them were too big for me. The trend for at least one size too big clothes  started a few seasons ago and it’s still a desirable component of glamourous and nonchalant makeovers. Unfortunately, a lot of women give up on this trend because they are afraid that they will look like a shapeless sack. These fears are completely unfounded, because thanks to oversized sweaters, jackets, jeans and shirts you can...

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In motion – how avoid stagnation in life

Today's pictures are crying to heaven for vengeance – everything is flying: my hair, skirt (but did you notice how  beautiful it  looks ?;)), my  coat. While taking pictures, I couldn’t stand in one place even for a moment, because wind was blowing my  dress up, or all (literally!) my hair was flying across my face. Sometimes I took after Chewbacca;). On the one hand – it was a disaster, continuous motion, lack of stabilization, but on the other hand – stay in one place ..and last at the same point? It is possible that pictures in such situation would be better, clearer;) But saying that more "globally" such standstill, stagnation is bringing judgment on yourself. Do you know why?...

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6 Style Tips On How To Wear Blanket Scarves

Scarves and blanket scarves started to show up in the shops in early autumn. Blanket scarf is simply a giant version of a scarf ,which is so big that can be used as a blanket. They’re warm, cosy, comfortable and wonderful, and it’s one of my favourite trends of the fall and winter season this year. I already have several of them, and I love using them as shawls, makeshift ponchos and capes, and yes, even a blankets. But despite how versatile they are, blanket scarves can be a real style challenge. How  should  you wear so much fabric ? and how to wrap blanket scarf around your neck? If you are looking for some ideas on how to wear the...

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